

单词 devil
释义 dev·il /ˈdevəl/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. [常作 the D-] 魔王
2. 魔鬼,恶魔
Is she possessed with a devil? 她被魔鬼迷住了吗?
3. 恶棍,残酷狠毒的人,脾气粗暴的人
4. 能干(或精力充沛)的人;任性的人;淘气鬼;冒失鬼
5. 家伙,人
Poor devils! 可怜的人们!
He's a lucky devil! 他是个幸运儿!
6. 猛兽;性烈的牲畜
7. [常作 the (very) devil] 极难对付的事物
Most game birds are devils to bring down without a good dog. 没有一条好猎犬,多数可捕猎的鸟很难打得到。
That year was to my friend Bruce the devil, monetarily speaking. 从经济上来说,那一年是我朋友布鲁斯极困难的一年。
Articles are the devil in English. 在英语里冠词是个极伤脑筋的难题。
8. 印刷所的学徒
9. 首席律师的助手;作家的代笔人
10. (人格化了的)邪恶;邪恶的影响(或力量)
the devil of greed 贪婪这个魔鬼
11. 斗志;攻击的锐气
12. 扯碎机,切碎机
13. (尤指炙烤的)辣味菜肴
14. 尘暴;小旋风
15. 魔鬼(基督教科学派用语,意为对罪孽、疾病、死亡的信仰)
16. [the devil] [用在疑问词后以加强语气]究竟,到底
What the devil do you expect me to say? 你究竟希望我说什么?
Where in the devil is he? 他到底在哪里?
17. [the devil] [用在表示不以为然的粗鲁回答中]
A: Tom says he'll go to the countryside. B: The devil he will! 甲:汤姆说要去乡下。乙:他会去才怪呢?
The devil you won't! 你不会才怪呢!
18. = Tasmanian devil

II (-il(l)ed;-il·(l)ing)

1. 美口困扰;折磨;戏弄
She devil(l)ed her mother for a new dress. 她缠着她妈妈要一件新的连衣裙。
It was fun to devil Portia. 逗弄波西娅真好玩。
2. 虐待
3. 抹辣味料烤制(食物)
devi(l)ed chicken 辣味鸡
4. (用扯碎机)扯碎(破布等)
5. (律师)当助手;为(作家)捉刀;替律师(或作家)代写(文章、文件等)
Everything you've written, he has devil(l)ed for you. 凡是你写的东西都是他代笔的。
[< ME devel < OE dēofol < L diabolus < Gr diabolos slanderer < diaballein to slander, 原义: to throw across]
phr. a devil of a 非常糟糕的;极麻烦的;异常的
I had a devil of a job arguing him into doing it! 说服他干这件事我费了多少口舌啊!
He had a devil of a time securing proper papers. 为了搞到必要的证件他真苦透了。
be in a devil of a hole 处境非常困难
between the devil and the deep (blue) sea 进退两难
catch the devil 受到严厉的责备
devil a bit 一点也不,毫不
devil a one 连一个也没有
give the devil his due 即使对坏人也要公平对待,平心而论
go to the devil 1. 完蛋;毁灭;堕落
2. 滚开,见鬼去,去你的
You can go to the devil! 你可以滚蛋了!
He that sups with the devil must have a long spoon. 和坏人打交道必须小心受骗。
like the devil 猛烈地,拼命地,竭力地
He was working like the devil. 他正在拼命地工作。
Needs must when the devil drives. 如果非如此不可,只好如此。
paint the devil blacker than he is (说到自己所不喜欢的人或物时)过甚其词
play the devil with 搞坏;糟蹋;搅乱
These rough roads can play the devil with the tyres of your car. 这些崎岖的道路会损坏汽车轮胎。
Pull devil, pull baker! (比赛等时鼓励双方的用语)双方加油!
raise the devil 1. 制造骚乱,大吵大闹
When he finds out you broke his pipe, he will raise the devil. 他发现你弄碎了他的烟斗时会大发雷霆的。
2. 玩得非常热闹,狂欢
3. 召鬼
see the devil 喝醉
serve the devil 为非作歹,干坏事
Talk (或 Speak) of the devil (and he will appear). 说到曹操,曹操就到。
the devil among the tailors 1. (正在进行的)吵架(或骚乱)
2. “小魔鬼”烟火(一种开始时喷射出火花然后显现出旋转不停小魔鬼的烟火)
the devil and all 坏透了,糟透了
Some say he is the devil and all. 有人说他坏透了。
the devil and all to do 忙乱;骚乱
the devil of a = a devil of a
the devil on two sticks1. 扯铃,空竹
2. 扯铃游戏
the devil's own 很困难的;极不寻常的
the devil's own problem 棘手难题
I had the devil's own job getting here this morning. 今天上午我到这里来大费周折。
the devil's own luck 难得的好运气
The devil take it! [表示极不愉快]糟了!该死!见鬼!
the devil take the hindmost 1. 落后者遭殃(你死我活竞争的格言)
The soldiers fled before the advancing enemy and let the devil take the hindmost. 士兵们在进逼的敌军面前纷纷逃窜,听任后面的人遭殃。
2. (尤指对后果)不关心,麻木不仁
a devil-take-the-hindmost attitude 不顾后果的态度
the devil to pay 极大麻烦,倒霉,糟糕
If you do that there will be the devil to pay. 你如果做这件事,就会遭到很大的麻烦。
to beat the devil 见 beat
when the devil is blind 当魔鬼眼瞎时(意指永远不会)
whip the devil round the stump (或 post) 取巧;(不正当地)规避困难




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