释义 |
de·tach /dɪˈtætʃ/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 拆卸,使分开;使分离 (from) They detached their trailer and set up camp. 他们卸下挂车,支起帐篷。 He detached himself from his party and sauntered over to her table. 他离开伙伴,踅到她的桌边。 detach oneself from reality 脱离实际 2. 派遣,分遣(军队、军舰等) The officer detached thirty men to guard the railway station. 军官派遣30个士兵去守卫火车站。 ❷ vi. 可拆卸,可分开 [< OFr destachier < des- dis-² + attachier to attach] |