释义 |
des·o·late /ˈdesələt/ a. | vt. I a. 1. 荒芜的;不毛的;荒凉的;无人烟的 desolate land 不毛之地 a desolate landscape 荒凉的景色 2. 荒废的,无人居住的 a desolate old house 废旧的房屋 3. 被遗弃的;孤独凄凉的 She was desolate after the death of her husband. 丈夫去世后,她孤独凄凉。 4. 不幸的,可怜的 the desolate poor 悲惨的穷人 5. 沉闷的,令人沮丧的,阴郁的 a desolate life 沉闷的生活 desolate memories 令人沮丧的回忆
II /ˈdesəleɪt/ vt. 1. 使荒芜;使无人烟;使不能居住 The land was desolated by floods. 洪水使田野一片荒芜。 2. 使不幸,使悲惨;使痛苦;使孤独凄凉 We were desolated to hear the news of her death. 听到她逝世的消息,我们感到难过。 3. 抛弃,遗弃 [<L dēsōlāre to leave alone < DE- + sōlāre to make lonely < sōlus alone]des·o·lat·ing·lyˈdesəleɪtɪŋlɪ ad. des·o·la·tordes·o·lat·erˈdesəleɪtə(r) n. |