释义 |
de·sign /dɪˈzaɪn/ n. | vt. | vi. I n. 1. 图样,图纸 a design for a dress 服装图样 2. (机器、建筑物等的)设计;(艺术品等的)构思 the design of a building 大楼的设计 course design 课程设计 a machine of excellent design 设计完美的机器 have sth. under design 正在设计某物 3. 图案;花纹 the design of a rug 地毯的图案 4. 设计术;制图术 a school of dress design 服装设计学校 5. 艺术作品;美术装饰品;产品;建筑物;成果 6. 计划,规划,方案 The design was to establish an unusual theatre. 计划是建立一家不同凡响的剧院。 He has ambitious designs for his son. 他为儿子制订了雄心勃勃的计划。 7. [常作designs] 企图;图谋;阴谋 (on,upon,against) He has designs on the money. 他在打这笔钱的主意。 have designs against sb. 企图伤害某人 a subversive design 颠覆阴谋 8. 意图,目的,打算 I went back to school more by accident than by design. 由于机缘而不是有意安排,我回到学校继续念书。 9. (与混乱相对应的)一致(或有意图)的模式 find a design in history 发现历史上有前后一致的发展模式 the argument from design 意匠论
II ❶ vt. 1. 设计;构思;打…的图样 design a new bridge 设计一座新桥 2. 谋划;策划 design a plot 策划阴谋 3. 决意(做);打算(做) He designed to excel in his studies. 他决意在学习上超别人。 4. [常用被动语态]预定;指定 grant programs designed to aid states and cities 用作援助州和城市的拨款计划 This was designed to annoy. 这是为了惹恼别人。 5. 〈废〉指出;指示 6. 〈废〉提名;任命 ❷ vi. 1. 设计;打图样;当设计师 She designs for a famous shop. 她在一家著名的商店当设计师。 2. 构思 3. 计划;谋划 [<L dēsīgnāre to mark out, describe < DE- + sīgnāre to mark < signum mark, sign] |