单词 |
deposit |
释义 |
de·pos·it /dɪˈpɒzɪt/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I ❶ vt. 1. 放下,放置 deposit a couple of sheets of paper on the lectern 把几页纸放在讲稿架上 deposit a coin in the slot 向槽缝投一枚硬币 deposit raw sewage in the river 把未处理过的污水排放入河 A taxi deposited me in front of the museum. 出租汽车送我在博物馆前下车。 2. 使沉淀;使沉积 A layer of fine soil was deposited by winds carrying desert dust. 带有沙漠灰沙的风吹积起一层细土。 3. 存放;寄存 She deposited her bag in the cloakroom. 她把提包寄存在衣帽间。 He deposited me with the porter and rushed away to keep his engagement. 他把我交给门房后,匆匆赶去赴约。 4. 存储 A large sum of money was deposited to his account. 有一大笔款子存入他的账户。 5. 付(保证金);预付(定钱) You have to deposit $50 to reserve the room. 要预定这个房间,你得付50元的押金。 He deposited $1000 on a new car. 他先付1000元作为购新车的定金。 6. 下(蛋) ❷ vi. 1. 沉淀;沉积 2. 付保证金;付定钱
II n. 1. 沉积物;沉淀;积垢 There's some deposit at the bottom of this bottle of wine. 这瓶酒的瓶底有些沉淀。 2. 寄存物;存款 3. 保证金;押金;定钱 A five-cent deposit will be charged on soft-drink bottles. 软饮料的瓶子要付 5 分钱的押金。 4. 【矿】矿床 deposits of coal 煤矿层 5. 存储;沉积 Customers can make deposits or withdrawals in any of the bank's branches. 储户可在这家银行的任何一家分行存款或提款。 6. 仓库,储藏所;受托人,保管人 [ML dēpositāre < L dēpositus to put down < dēpōnere; 见 DEPONE] phr. on deposit 1. 储存着 They have a lot of money on deposit at the bank. 他们在银行里存了许多钱。 2. 保藏着 gold bars on deposit in a safe 藏在保险箱里的金条 3. (以分期付款法购货时)作为第一期交付的货款 |
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