释义 |
de·plete /dɪˈpliːt/ vt. | vi. vt. ❶ 1. 耗尽;大大减少 deplete one's fortune 耗尽自己的财产 The fire had depleted the wild game in the forest. 大火使那森林里的野生鸟兽濒于绝迹。 a man with depleted hair 头发变稀的男人 2. 耗尽…的资源(或贮存物、金钱、精力等),使空虚,使枯竭 deplete a country of its natural resources 耗尽一个国家的自然资源 A long drought had depleted reservoirs. 长时间的干旱使水库枯竭。 3. 【医】排除(器官、血管等)的液体(或血液),使缺失液体 4. 【核】使贫化 ❷ vi. 减少 [<L dēplētus < dēplēre to empty out < dē- un- + plēre to fill] |