释义 |
de·gree /dɪˈɡriː/ n. | phr. n. 1. 度,度数 Water freezes at 0 degrees centigrade. 水在零摄氏度 (写作0°C) 结冰。 an angle of 60 degrees 60度 (写作60°) 角 That changes your situation by a hundred and eighty degrees. 那件事使你的处境发生180°的转变。 2. 程度 It is viewed with a high degree of suspicion in the Third World. 第三世界高度怀疑地看待这件事。 His doctor did not know to what degree his pulmonary disease was reversible. 他的医生不知道他的肺病在多大程度上还能治愈。 His tone was a degree less bantering now. 他的语气现在稍稍变得不那么嘲弄人了。 3. (组织损伤的)深度 burns of the third degree 三度烧伤 4. (等级中的)级;(发展过程的)阶段 He has advanced only one degree in promotion. 他只提升了一级。 5. 地位;身份 a lady of high degree 有身份的女士 people of low degree 下层民众 6. 学位,学衔 a degree course 学位课程 doctors with German, French and English degrees 分别在德国、法国和英国获得博士学位的人们 He holds (或 has) a master's degree in education. 他有教育学硕士学位。 do a degree at the university 在大学攻读学位 take (或 earn, get, receive) one's degree 获得学位 7. 〈美〉【律】(罪行的)轻重程度;(定罪、量刑的)等级 robbery in the first degree 一级抢劫罪 8. 【语】(形容词、副词的)级 degrees of comparison 比较等级 the positive (comparative, superlative) degree 原 (比较,最高) 级 9. 【数】次,次数 X³and 2 X²Y are terms of degree three. X³和2X²Y 均为三次项。 10. 方式;方面 Each contributed to victory in his degree. 每人以自己的方式为获取胜利作出贡献。 11. 〈古〉(会社等组织成员的)等级;授级仪式 12. 亲等 a cousin in the first degree 嫡堂 (或嫡表) 兄 (或弟、姐、妹) 13. 【音】音级;(谱上的)线;间 14. 〈废〉(一)梯级;(一)排;(一)层 [<OFr degré < DE-+ L gradus step, grade] phr. by degrees 逐渐地,渐渐地 By degrees the little girl lost her shyness. 那个小女孩渐渐地克服了羞怯。in the last degree = to the last degree to a degree1. 〈英口〉非常,极其 His suitings are natty to a degree. 他的衣料极其漂亮。 2. 有点,稍微 I suppose that each one of us is, to a degree, a prisoner of our experience. 我想我们每个人在一定程度上都受着个人经历的禁锢。 to the last degree 极度地 He was terrified to the last degree. 他惊吓到了极点。 to the nth degree 极度地;极端地 |