释义 |
deal¹ /diːl/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr. I (dealt /delt/) ❶ vi. 1. 有关联;论述,讨论;谈到 (with,in) a book dealing with reading, writing and speaking 一本论述读、写、说的书 If you deal in facts only, perhaps we'll get somewhere. 如果你只讲事实,可能我们会谈出一些结果来。 He dealt with the first question. 他论述了第一个问题。 2. 对付,打交道;对待 (with) How do you deal with a drunken husband? 你怎样对付喝得醉醺醺的丈夫? That man is difficult to deal with. 那人很难打交道。 deal justly with sb. 公正地对待某人 3. 处理;惩处(with) deal with the problems 处理各种问题 deal with emergency 应付紧急情况 deal with gout 治疗痛风 There are many difficulties to be dealt with when one is starting a new business. 新开一家公司要克服许多困难。 She deals with all the inquiries. 所有的询问事项都由她处理。 Law courts must deal with lawbreakers. 法院必须惩办违法分子。 4. 经营;交易 (in,with) deal in motorcars 经营汽车业务 I've dealt with this store for twenty years. 我已同这商店做了20年买卖。 Okay,let's deal. 好吧,让我们来讲讲价钱。 5. 【牌】发牌 It's your turn to deal. 轮到你发牌了。 6. 〈口〉卖毒品 ❷ vt. 1. 给予 deal sb. a scolding 责骂某人 He dealt the boy a blow on the ear. 他打了那个男孩一记耳光。 They were dealt an even worse humiliation in 1967. 1967年他们蒙受了更大的耻辱。 2. 分配,分给 deal out three sandwiches apiece 分给每人3份三明治 3. 发(纸牌) Deal five cards to each player. 给每个打牌的人发5张牌。 4. 〈口〉贩卖(毒品)
II n. 1. 交易;(尤指秘密的)协议;一揽子交易 close a deal 成交 make (或 do) a deal 作交易(或达成协议) get a good deal 买到便宜货 sign a pay deal with 与…签订工资协议 Well,it's a deal. 好,就这样定了。 2. 待遇 a fair deal 公平的待遇 3. [常作 D-] [接用在限定修饰语后](某届政府执行的)特定政策;实行特定政策的时期 4. 【牌】发牌;轮到发牌;牌戏的一局;一手牌 Whose deal is it? 轮到谁发牌了? I lost on that last deal. 上一局我输了。 5. 分配 6. 〈口〉局面,情况;事情 Hey, what's the deal here? 嗨,这儿情况怎么样? The whole deal is $35. 全部花销为35美元。 7. 〈废〉部分;份额 [<ME delen < OE dǣlan to divide, share <dǣl part]
phr. deal sb. in 〈美俚〉把某人算在里边,让某人一起参与 deal up 〈美〉(因其检举揭发有功)答应对 (从犯)免于起诉 make a big deal out of 〈口〉极端重视;对…小题大作 Don't make such a big deal out of it,please. 请别对此事这样小题大作。 |