释义 |
dead /ded/ a. | n. | ad. | phr. I a. 1. 死亡的;死一般的 be dead of a heart attack 因心脏病发作死亡 a dead body 尸体 dead flowers 凋谢的花 dead leaves 枯叶 The hunter fired and the wild boar fell dead. 猎人开枪,野猪倒毙。 His wife was ten years dead. 他妻子已死10年。 in a dead faint 处于昏死状态 a dead sleep 沉睡 2. 无生命的,非生物的 dead matter 无生命物质 dead stones 顽石 3. 不动的,静止的;无弹力的 a dead pulley 定滑轮 The car (engine) is dead. 汽车 (发动机)发不动了。 His arm hung dead at his side. 他的手臂一动不动地垂在身边。 The dead tennis ball would hardly bounce. 没有弹力的网球几乎一点都弹不起来。 4. 无活力的;无生气的,呆滞的 a dead volcano 死火山 a dead ball 死球(指须另启比赛) dead cards 死牌 The drink (champagne) is dead. 这饮料 (香槟酒) 没气。 a dead party 沉闷的舞会 a dead season 萧条的季节 a dead market 不景气的市场 The store was dead when it went dark. 天黑以后这家店就没有生意了。 5. 不燃烧的,熄灭的 a dead match (flame) 熄灭的火柴(火焰) dead coals (cigars,lights) 熄灭的煤 (雪茄,灯火) 6. 冷淡的;麻木的 a dead handshake 冷冰冰的握手 dead dreamy eyes 冷漠恍惚的眼神 It's so cold outside that my fingers feel dead. 外面太冷了,我的手指都冻僵了。 7. 无出产的;闲置的;无人居住的 dead capital 死资本 dead stock 卖不出的存货 dead soil 不毛之地 a dead village 坚壁清野的村子 8. 过时的;无用的,废除的;不再重要的 He is a dead number. 他是个过气人物。 a dead law (rule) 无效的法律(规则) Suits are dead now. 全套西装现在不流行了。 The idea is dead. 这个想法不行了。 The war is thirty years dead. 战争已经过去30年了。 This practice is far from dead. 这种做法远远没有绝迹。 The marriage was dead by 2004. 这桩婚姻到2004年就寿终正寝了。 I thought the matter was dead. 我本以为这事已平息。 Inflation has been a dead issue in recent years. 近年来人们对于通货膨胀问题谈论不多。 9. 无电流的,不通电的;非放射性的 a dead battery 用完的电池 speak into a dead phone 对着挂断的电话说话 The telephone went dead. 电话断了。 10. 〈口〉精疲力竭的,累坏的 be dead from shopping 买东西跑得累极 be dead with fatigue 累得要命 11. 猝然的;全然的,绝对的 come to a dead stop 猝然停下 a dead giveaway 彻底泄露 It's a dead certainty (that) he'll run again. 他将再次竞选,这是肯定无疑的。 in dead trouble 处于绝境之中 stick to the dead end 坚持到底 runners on a dead level 势均力敌的赛跑选手们 There was dead silence at his words. 听了他的话大家都死寂一片。 12. 准确的;准定的 be dead on time 分秒不差地准时 He was the deadest shot in his time. 他是那时候最优秀的神射手。 13. 无休止的;拼命的 He ran home at a dead trot. 他拼命跑回家去。 14. 听不到声音的;(声音)沉闷的 a dead spot in the auditorium 礼堂中一个听不见声音的僻静角落 in the dead hour of the morning 在万籁俱寂的清晨时刻 The neighbourhood is dead at midnight. 半夜里四下万籁无声。 a thick, dead sound 沉闷的声音 15. 【律】剥夺公民权的
II n. 1. 最寂静的时刻;最寒冷的时刻 in the (或at) dead of night 夜晚万籁俱寂之时 in the dead of winter 在隆冬 2. [单复同]死人,死者 one of their dead 他们中的一位亡者 a list of 200 military dead 200名阵亡军人的名单 honour the heroic dead 向牺牲的英雄致敬 3. 死 be left for dead 被认为已死给撇下不管 raise sb. from the dead 使某人起死回生 4. 〈美俚〉死信;无法投递亦无法退回的邮包
III ad. 1. 全然地,绝对地 dead tired 累得要死的 dead asleep 睡得死死的 dead right (wrong) 完全正确(错误)的 be dead certain about (dead keen on) sth. 对某事确信无疑(喜爱之极) faint dead away 昏过去而全然不省人事 an almost dead straight road 一条几乎笔直的道路 The floor is dead level. 地板十分平整。 The conversation finally stopped dead. 谈话终于完全停止了。 2. 直接地;正对地 walk dead ahead 径直往前走 The tower was dead ahead (of us). 塔楼就在 (我们)正前方。 He looked me dead in the eye. 他直盯着我的眼睛。 3. 精确地,确切地 arrive dead on time 分秒不差准时到达 4. 〈英口〉很,非常 That's dead easy. 那太容易了。 [< ME ded < OE dēad] phr. a dead one 见one be caught dead 〈口〉被逮个正着 be caught dead doing some mischief 正做坏事时被逮个正着 cut sb. dead 假装未看见某人,不理睬某人 She cut me dead in the street. 她在街上对我不理不睬。 He cut the press dead. 他没有理会新闻界人士。 dead against 1. 正对着 The wind was blowing dead against me. 风朝我迎面吹来。 2. 全然反对 Why are you so dead against me? 你为什么同我这样针锋相对? They were dead against the whole idea. 他们全盘反对这个想法。 dead and buried 结束了的;完结了的 dead as a doornail 见 doornail dead as a herring 见 herring dead as mutton 见 mutton dead as the (或a) dodo 见 dodo dead from the neck up 见 neck dead in the water 1. (船)无法移动的 2. 无法正常运行的 Dead men tell no tales. 见 man¹ dead on one's feet 〈口〉累得动不了 dead to 对…麻木的,对…无动于衷的 His heart is wholly dead to trifles. 他完全不把琐事放心上。 She is dead to all feelings of shame. 她恬不知耻。 dead to the world 见world drop dead 1. 倒毙 drop dead of fatigue 累倒 Everybody would drop dead laughing no matter what he said. 不论他说什么大家都会笑得要死。 2. [表示蔑视]去你的 “Drop dead!” shouted John to his brothers who were bothering him.“去你们的!”约翰对同他捣蛋的兄弟们喊道。 Seek dead! [驱猎犬寻找打死的猎物的呼语]去找! see sb. dead (first) 见 see¹ wait for a dead man's shoes 见 man wouldn't be seen (或 caught) dead in (或 with, at 等) 〈口〉极不喜欢,非常讨厌 |