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day /deɪ/ n. | ad. | a. | phr. I n. 1. 昼,白天 during the day 在白昼 a foggy day 雾天 Days are longer in summer than in winter. 夏季日长,冬季日短。 The days are warmer, but the nights are very cold. 白天比较暖和,而夜晚极冷。 2. 日光;阳光 It was broad day. 时间是大白天。 when day breaks 在破晓时分 clear as day 一清二楚 He stepped outside into the hot, dry, summer day. 他走出户外,跨进夏日干燥炎热的阳光之中。 3. 天,一昼夜(24小时),民用日;【天】日;恒星日;太阳日 There are seven days in a week. 一星期有7天。 What day of the week is it? 今天星期几? She was ill for three days. 她病了3天。 We had fresh and day old goods. 我们有新鲜的和刚到一天的货物。 I shall see Tom in a few days' time. 过几天我就要见到汤姆了。 the day of the spring (autumnal) equinox 春(秋)分日 4. (特定的)日子;[常作D-]重大日子,节日 Monday, Wednesday and Friday are garbage days. 每逢星期一、三、五收垃圾。 The day (on which) he was inducted, he was not feeling well. 被征入伍那天,他身体不大舒服。 What shall we do if it rains on the day fixed for the sports meeting? 预定举行运动会那天倘使下雨怎么办? We shall have many days to talk things over. 我们可以花好多天把事情详细议一议。 the college's Shakespeare Day 学院的莎士比亚纪念日 Christmas Day will be a Wednesday next year. 明年圣诞节是星期三。 5. 工作日;日常活动日 They work an eight-hour day. 他们每天工作8小时。 He usually works sixteen-hour days. 他通常每天工作16个小时。 We've done a good day's work. 我们已干了一整天的工作。 I have had a long day. 今天一天可把我忙坏了。 6. [亦作 days] 时期;时代;[the day] 现时,现今 the best writer of one's day 当时最优秀的作家 in days of old 昔时 in one's boyhood days 在童年时代 in one's college days 在上大学期间 in the days ahead 在今后的日子里 in days to come 在未来的日子里 the men of other days 过去时代的人们 in the days of Queen Victoria 在维多利亚女王的时代 7. 年轻(有为)时期,兴旺发达时期,鼎盛时期 She was a beauty in her day. 她年轻时是个美人。 8. 比赛,竞赛;斗争,战斗;胜利 The cause he fought for gained the day. 他为之奋斗的事业胜利了。 They played hard and won the day. 他们努力拼搏,赢得了胜利。 We've lost the day. 我们输了。 The day is ours. 胜利属于我们。 9. [亦作 days] 一生;生命,寿命 I've seen a lot of drunks in my day. 我一生中见过许多醉鬼。 I shall have to toil and moil all my days. 我终生将不得不累死累活地干。 He began his days in a village and ended his days in a big city. 他出生在一个村庄,死在一座大城市。 You're young,the day is early. 你还年轻,日子长着呢。 His days are numbered. 他活不久了。
II [days] ad. 每天;经常在白天地 He works days. 他每天做日班。
III a. 1. 白昼的,日间的;周日进行的 a day centre for the mentally handicapped 一所专治弱智者的日间诊疗中心 a day patient 日间接受治疗的病人(指非住院病人) The school takes 1000 day pupils in addition to the 700 boarders. 该校除700名住读生外还招收1000名走读生。 2. 适合于白天(使用)的;逐日的 day clothes 适合白天穿的衣服 a day calendar 一日一页的日历 [< ME dai < OE dæg, 与OHG tæg, ON dagr 有关] phr. a cold day in hell 地狱变冷之日,永不到来之时 It'll be a cold day in hell when you catch me gambling. 你永远也不会撞见我赌博的。a day off 不上班的一天,不干活的一天 He took a day off. 他请了一天假。a day out 〈英〉外出的一天 all day 整天,终日,从早到晚 It's wonderful lying on the beach all day. 整天躺在海滩上,那滋味真好极了。all in a (或the) day's work 见 work all the day = all day any day (of the week) 〈口〉 1. 随便哪一天,任何时候 2. 不管怎么说,在任何情况下 I am a better chess player than he is any day of the week. 我的棋艺怎么说也比他高明。 at the end of the day 见 end¹ before day 天亮以前,日出以前 be sb.'s day 是某人非常走运(或得意)的日子 I had a quarrel with my boss and then lost all my money on my way home — it just wasn't my day yesterday. 我同老板吵了一架,回家路上又把身上的钱全丢了——昨天实在是我倒霉的日子。 better days 鼎盛岁月;生活较为富裕的时期,走运的时期 The hotel (The car) has known better days. 这旅馆(这汽车)过去可是风光过的。 Let's hope we'll soon see better days. 让我们希望不久会时来运转。 by day 白天里,在白天 sleep by day and travel by night 昼伏夜行 by the day 按日 be paid by the day 按日取酬 call it a day 1. (认为一天的工作量已够而)收工;结束当天的活动 2. 结束,到此为止 They were engaged to be married but they quarrelled so often that they decided to call it a day. 他们本已订婚,但因为经常吵架,便决定中断关系。 carry the day (在竞赛、争论等中)得胜,占上风;取得成功 count the days 迫不及待 day after day 日复一日,一天又一天,每天 They did the same things day after day. 他们日复一日做着同样的事情。 day and night 日日夜夜,夜以继日 She sat by his bedside day and night. 她日夜守护在他的床边。 day by day 一天天,逐日 He is getting better day by day. 他的健康状况一天天好起来了。 day in, day out (或 day in and day out) 日复一日,每天(不间断地) Day in, day out, the food was the same. 食物天天都是一个样。 day to day 日复一日不间断地 early in the day 见early Every dog has its (或his) day. 见 dog fall on evil days 遭遇不幸,倒霉 from day to day 1. 天天;一天又一天 From day to day the city changes. 城市的面貌天天在起变化。 2. 过一天算一天地 He lives from day to day and likes uncertainty. 他过日子不考虑未来,喜欢过一天算一天。 from one day to the next 从一天到下一天;过一天算一天地 He gave up smoking, from one day to the next, more than ten years ago. 他十多年前曾试着戒了一两天烟。 have had one's day 已过全盛时期;不再应时 Colonialism has had its day. 殖民主义已经过时。 He used to be a very able businessman but he's had his day. 他过去曾是个非常能干的实业家,但今已大不如昔。 if a day (年龄等)至少 He was sixty if (he's) a day. 他至少60岁了。 That was a good thirty years ago if it was a day. 那至少是整整30年以前的事了。 in all one's born days [常用于否定句或疑问句]一生中 Did you ever hear such bad language in all your born days? 你一生可曾听到过这种脏话吗? (in) these days 现今,目前 in this day and age 当今,在我们今天生活的时代 (in) those days 在当时 know the time of day 见time late in the day 见late live to fight another day 养精蓄锐伺机再战 make a day of it 干上整整一天;玩它一整天 make sb.'s day 〈口〉使某人的一天生色;使某人非常高兴 You've quite made my day by coming to see me. 承蒙你来看望我,使我一天的生活生色不少。 It'll really make his day when he hears what I've been through. 他听到我所经历的一切后肯定会乐不可支。 name the day 宣布婚礼(或其他重要活动)的日期 night and day = day and night not to be named on(或 in) the same day with 见 name of a day 短命的 of the day 当代的;当时的 questions of the day 时事问题 He is the man of the day. 他是眼下的红人。 The initiative was in the hands of the government of the day. 主动权掌握在当时政府的手里。 one day (过去)某一天;(将来)有一天 I saw him one day last week. 我在上星期的某一天见过他。 He hopes to go to Egypt one day. 他希望有朝一日能去埃及。 one fine day (过去)某一天 one of these (fine) days 见one one of those days 见one on one's day 在鼎盛时期 pass the time of day (with sb.) (与某人)互致问候(尤指道早安) save the day 转败为胜;扭转局面;挽救局面 seize the day 莫浪费时光,莫蹉跎岁月;及时行乐 settle the day 确定日期 some day (日后)某一天,总有一天 We must get together again some day. 我们哪天一定要再聚一次。 some fine day (将来)某一天 Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof.<谚>肠满今朝愁,莫添他日忧。 That will (或 That'll) be the day. 1. 那是值得等待的日子。 2. 〈口〉那样的事永远等不来。 the day after tomorrow 后天 the day before yesterday 前天 the good old days 过去的好时光 the other day 见 other those were the days [用于与现在作比较]那时才是风光无限 the time of day 见 time this day fortnight 两星期后(或前)的今天 this day week 下(或上)星期的今天 Those were the days! (从前)那真是好年头啊!(亦用作反语) to a (或 the) day 恰好,刚好,一天不差 three years ago to the day 一天不差恰好3年前 to this day 直到现在,迄今 To this day Cathy won't eat peas. 卡西直到今天还是不吃豌豆。 These proposals have to this day not met with any response from them. 他们至今还没有对这些提议作出反应。 wear through the day 好歹捱过了一天 with each passing day 一天天,日益 without day 无限期地 [< ME dai < OE dæg, 与OHG tæg, ON dagr 有关] |