释义 |
dance /dɑːns; dæns/ vi. | vt. | n. | a. | phr. I ❶ vi. 1. 跳舞;舞蹈 She loves to dance to fast music. 她喜欢跟着快节奏的音乐跳舞。 2. 跳跃;雀跃 dance with delight 欢跃 The child danced up and down in rage. 那孩子因狂怒而暴跳。 3. (上下或左右)跳动;轻快地移动 the boat dancing on the water 在水面上颠簸的船 The line of the lie detector began to dance. 测谎器的线迹开始波动。 Thick smoke danced and billowed into the air. 浓烟翻滚着升向天空。 The daffodils were dancing in the breeze. 水仙花在微风中摇曳。 Shadows were dancing on the grass. 阴影在草地上晃动。 Exasperation danced in the corners of his eyes. 他的眼角闪烁着恼怒的神情。 A series of wild thoughts danced through his brain. 他的脑中闪过一连串不着边际的幻想。 ❷ vt. 1. 跳(舞);跳(某一角色)的舞 The couple danced a polka. 那一对跳了个波尔卡舞。 He danced the part of Romeo. 他跳罗密欧的角色。 2. 使跳舞 Allen danced her off to another part of the floor. 艾伦引她舞向舞池的另一部分。 3. 以跳舞表示;跳舞跳得… She danced her thanks. 她跳了个舞表示感谢。 I danced the shoes off my feet with a young officer. 我与一位青年军官跳舞跳得连鞋子也掉了。 He danced her to exhaustion. 他与她同舞使她跳得疲乏不堪。 4. 使上下摆动;使轻快移动 dance a baby on one's knee 在膝上上下播弄逗乐婴儿
II n. 1. 舞,舞蹈 The waltz is a beautiful dance. 华尔兹是一种很美的舞。 2. 跳舞;舞蹈演出 Will you have the next dance with me? 下一个舞你同我一起跳好吗? 3. 舞会 give a dance 举行舞会 We enjoyed ourselves at the dance. 在舞会上我们玩得很痛快。 4. 舞曲 Beethoven's German Dances 贝多芬的德国舞曲 5. [常作 the dance] 舞蹈艺术 6. 跳跃;跳动;摇晃;闪动;翻腾 do a little dance to keep warm 跳几下暖和身子 7. 〈美俚〉(黑社会帮派之间的)斗殴,派仗
III a. 1. 舞的,舞蹈的 dance steps 舞步 2. 用于跳舞的 dance music 舞曲 [< ME dauncen < OFr danser < ? Frank dintjan to tremble, move back and forth] phr. dance attendance on (或 upon) sb. 见 attendance dance off<美俚>死;被处死 dance to another tune 见 tune dance to sb.'s tune 见 tune dance on (或 upon) nothing 见 nothing fake a dance (忘记舞步时)即兴滑一步充数 go into one's dance 〈美俚〉开始把准备好的一套话说出来 lead sb. a (pretty 或 merry) dance 〈英〉给某人造成极大麻烦 step through a dance 跳舞步 |