释义 |
al·i·bi /ˈælɪbaɪ/ n. | vi. | vt. I n. 1. 【律】不在犯罪现场 offer a credible alibi 提出不在犯罪现场的可信证据 These youths have solid alibis for the time death took place. 这些青年握有命案发生时不在现场的确凿证据。 lodge a special defence of alibi 提出不在犯罪现场的特别辩护 2. 〈口〉借口;托辞 What's the alibi for not developing a nonpollutant steam engine for cars? 不去研制一种供汽车用的无污染蒸汽发动机的借口是什么? Isn't all that a pretty weak alibi? 这一切不是站不住脚的借口又是什么?
II ❶ vi. 〈口〉辩解 No one would alibi or lie for them. 没有人愿意为他们辩解或扯谎。 “That was an oversight,” he alibied. “那确是疏忽,”他辩解说。 ❷ vt. 为…辩解 He always alibied himself out of doing his duty. 他总是找借口不尽职守。 [<L alibī elsewhere] |