释义 |
dab·ble /ˈdæbl/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 把(手、脚等)浸入水中;用(手、脚等)嬉水 dabble one's feet in the river 伸双脚在河中嬉水 2. 涂抹;溅,洒 His face was dabbled with paint. 他的脸上溅了油漆。 The moon hung over the harbour dabbling the waves with gold. 月亮高挂在港湾上空,给水面洒上点点金色。 ❷ vi. 1. 玩水,嬉水;(如同玩水似地)拨弄 The boy dabbled with his breakfast cereal. 男孩拨弄着早餐时吃的麦片粥玩。 2. (鸭)在浅底用喙觅食 3. 涉猎,浅尝;轻率地对待 (in, at) dabble in literature 涉猎文学 He dabbled at painting but soon gave it up. 他搞过一点绘画,但很快又放弃了。 dabble with notions of 玩弄…的概念 4. 〈古〉篡改 [< D 反复动词 dabbelen < dabben to strike,dab¹] |