释义 |
cup /kʌp/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 杯子 a cup and saucer 一副杯碟 2. (一)杯;一杯的容量(合半品脱) I'd like a cup of tea. 我想喝一杯茶。 Add two cups of sifted flour to one cup of sugar and mix. 把两杯筛过的面粉加一杯糖后拌和。 3. 一杯饮料;杯盛的食物;〈口〉一杯咖啡 You can get a good cup at Susan's Café. 你能在苏珊咖啡馆喝到一杯上好咖啡。 a fruit cup 水果杯 4. 杯状物;萼 put one's chin in the cups of one's hands 用双手的手掌心托住下巴 the cup of a flower 花萼 5. 优胜杯,奖杯 a prize cup 奖杯 win a gold cup 获得金质奖杯 6. [C-] 优胜杯赛;锦标赛 7. [cups] (塔罗纸牌戏中)同花色组牌的一张 8. (以一种饮料为主的)混合饮料 a claret cup 红葡萄酒混合饮料 9. [cups] 饮酒 love one's cups 嗜杯中物 talk over one's cups 边饮酒边谈话 10. 【宗】圣餐杯;圣餐酒 11. 遭遇,遭际 When her child died her cup of sorrow seemed complete. 她孩子死了,这时她一生可以说是辛酸备尝了。 12. 【医】火罐;吸杯 13. 【高尔夫】球洞;金属洞壁 The golfer pushed the ball into the cup. 高尔夫球手把球击进洞。 14. [C-] 【天】巨爵(星)座 15. 罩杯(指乳罩中容纳乳房的杯状部分) 16. [cups] 〈美俚〉睡眠
II (cupped; cup·ping) ❶ vt. 1. 使(手等)窝成杯状 You must cup your hands while playing the piano. 弹钢琴时你必须拱着手掌。 He cupped a hand behind one ear to hear better. 他窝起一只手掌挡在耳后以便听得更清楚些。 cup one's fingers around one's eyes 把手指屈拢成杯状围着双眼 2. 用杯盛,用杯舀;把…放入杯(或杯状物)内 cup water from a vat 用杯子从水缸舀水 He cupped his chin in his hand. 他窝起手掌托住下巴。 3. 【医】为…拔火罐;为…施行吸杯治疗 ❷ vi. 1. 窝成杯状 2. 拔火罐;施行吸杯治疗 [< OE cuppe < LL cuppa cup < L cūpa cask,tub] phr. a cup of coffee 〈口〉一杯咖啡工夫,短短一会儿; (职业球员等的)短期租约 between cup and lip (事情)在将成未成之际 cup of tea 〈口〉1. 喜爱的东西;投合脾性的事情;合意的人 Travelling is just his cup of tea. 旅行正是他所喜爱的。He's not her cup of tea. 他不合她的心意。2. (特定的)东西;事情; [用在修饰性形容词之后] 有某种特点的人 That's another cup of tea. 那是另一回事了。He's a very unpleasant cup of tea. 他是一个很讨厌的家伙。dash the cup from sb.'s lips 〈书〉使某人不能获得 (或享有)想要的东西;使某人的希望 (或意图)不能实现 His enemies tried to dash the cup of victory from his lips. 他的敌人试图使他不能获胜。drain the cup of 〈书〉备尝 drink the cup of sorrow (或 bitterness) 〈喻〉饮一杯苦酒,忍受重荷;承担不幸 in one's cups 〈口〉正在饮酒的;醉倒的 |