

单词 cry
释义 cry /kraɪ/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr.
I vi.
1. 哭,哭泣;流泪
She cried quietly into her handkerchief. 她用手帕掩面,默默抽泣。
2. (大声)叫喊
3. (鸟、兽)鸣,叫
A wolf cried in the distance. 远处狼嚎。
1. 叫喊;大声地说
cry a warning 大声发出警告
He cried that he would not go. 他大声说他不愿意去。
2. 叫卖;公开宣布
cry newspapers 叫卖报纸
cry the news all over the town 把消息通报全镇
3. 大声恳求;哀求
cry forgiveness 大声请求宽恕
4. 哭得使…;哭出
cry oneself to sleep 一直哭到睡着
She wanted to cry her grief and anger all away. 她要把悲愤在痛哭中宣泄出来。
cry tears 掉泪

II n.
1. 叫喊;喊声;(鸟、兽的)叫声
give a cry of joy 发出一声欢呼
a cry for help 呼救声
the cry of sea gulls 海鸥的叫声
2. 叫卖声;口头宣布
the cry of a newspaper seller 卖报人的叫卖声
3. (一阵)哭,哭泣;哭声
have a good cry 痛哭一场
4. 公众舆论;呼声;恳求,要求
Consumer cries for Sunday opening were very strong. 顾客要求星期天营业的呼声很高。
5. 口号
“Death to the traitor”was their cry. 他们的口号是“处死卖国贼”。
6. 时髦风尚
7. (猎犬追猎时发出的)吠声;一群猎犬
8. [cries] 苏格兰结婚预告
9. 呐喊;喧嚷
10. 谣传
[< OFr crier < L quirītāre to call for help]
phr. a far (或 long) cry from 和…相距很远;和…大相径庭
It is a far cry from here to Britain.这儿离英国很远。
Their house is a far cry from what we expected.他们的房子和我们原先想像的大不相同。
all the cry 时髦事物;最新式样
cry against = cry out against
cry before one is hurt美口未痛先叫;过早担心
cry blue murder 见 murder
cry down 1. 贬低
Never cry down a child's small success.绝对不要小看小孩的微小成就。
2. 用喊叫声使(发言者)停止讲话
Before he was halfway through his speech the crowd cried him down.他的发言还不到一半,群众就喊叫着不让他讲下去。
3. 拒绝接受(意见等)
cry down sb.'s suggestion 不接受某人的建议
cry for 1. 因…而哭
The child is always crying for no good reason.这个小孩老是无缘无故哭闹。
2. 哭着要求得到
3. = cry out for
cry for the moon 见 moon
cry foul 见 foul
cry from the heart见 heart
cry havoc 见 havoc
cry off撤回,取消(前约等);取消前言;打退堂鼓
Why did she cry off joining your birthday party? 为什么她改变初衷,不参加你的生日宴会了?
He intended to go with us, but he cried off at the last minute.他本来打算与我们一起去,但是最后却改变主意了。
cry one's eyes (或 heart) out 痛哭流涕,哭得很伤心
cry out 1. 叫喊;大声说出
The wounded soldier cried out in pain.那个伤兵痛得直叫。
They cried out their complaints.他们大声抱怨。
2. 迫切需要
The garden is crying out to be watered.园地需要马上浇水。
cry out against 大声反对;谴责
They are crying out against the new rules.他们强烈反对这些新规定。
cry out for 1. 呼喊着要求得到
cry out for help 大声呼救
2. 迫切需要
The school is crying out for good teachers.这所学校迫切需要优秀教师。
cry over 对…感到伤心,为…悲痛
He cried over his dead cat.他为那只死去的猫悲伤。
cry over spilt milk 见 milk
cry quits 见 quits
cry stinking fish 见 fish¹
cry up 称颂,称赞
His abilities are not what they were cried up to be.他的能力并不像人们所称赞的那么强。
cry wolf 见 wolf
follow in the cry 1. (猎狗)随着一群猎狗一起追赶(猎物)
2. 跟着一群无名小卒走;附和众人
for crying out loud [用来表示惊奇、愤怒或强烈的请求]哎呀,我的天啊;岂有此理;求求你
For crying out loud, don't worry about money all the time! 求求你,别老是为钱担忧!
give sb. something to cry for 让某人哭个够(指更严厉地责罚因受责罚而哭闹的某人)
in full cry 1. (猎狗群)吠叫着追猎;紧追
The hounds were in full cry after the hare.那群猎狗吠叫着追赶野兔。
2. 拼命进攻;大声疾呼,力陈己见
The opposition was in full cry against the foreign policy of the government.反对党猛烈抨击政府的外交政策。
much cry and little wool (或 more cry than wool) 空叫嚷,空口说白话,雷声大雨点小
His diary was much more cry than wool.他的日记里空话远远多于实事。
within cry (of) (…的)呼喊声听得见的距离之内,在(…的)附近




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