释义 |
crunch /krʌntʃ/ vt. | vi. | n. I ❶ vt. 1. 嘎吱嘎吱地咬嚼 crunch carrots 嘎吱作声地嚼胡萝卜 2. (车轮、皮靴等)嘎吱嘎吱地碾(或踩、压)过 a sound of heavy wheels crunching a stony road 沉重的车轮碾过石子路时发出的嘎吱嘎吱声 Our feet crunched the crisp snow. 我们的双脚嘎吱作响地踩着干爽的雪。 His handshake crunches my bones. 他把我的手握得骨节嘎吱作响。 ❷ vi. 1. 嘎吱嘎吱地咀嚼 The squirrels crunched on the nuts. 松鼠嘎吱嘎吱地嚼着坚果。 2. 嘎吱作声地碾(或踩、压)过 crunch through the snow 嘎吱作声地穿过雪地 crunch up the gravel path 嘎吱作响地走在石子路上 3. 发出嘎吱声 The dry leaves crunched under our feet. 枯叶在我们脚下嘎吱作响。
II n. 1. 嘎吱作声的咀嚼 2. 嘎吱嘎吱的声音 the crunch of snow under the car wheels 雪在车轮下发出的嘎吱嘎吱声 3. 财政压力,财政困难;经济紧缩;不足,短缺 A crunch would ultimately cut employment. 财政困难最终将减少就业人数。 the crunch on resources 财源的不足 an energy crunch 能源危机 4. 左右为难的困境,艰难局面 They were caught in a crunch. 他们陷入左右为难的困境。 5. [the crunch] 〈口〉关键时刻;危急关头;转折点;症结 when it comes to the crunch (或 when the crunch comes) 当关键时刻来到时 the crunch of the problem 问题的症结 6. 增强腹肌的锻炼;仰卧起坐 [拟声] |