

单词 xylophone
释义 xy·lo·phone AHD[zīʹlə-fōn'] D.J.[ˈzaɪləˌfəʊn]K.K.[ˈzaɪləˌfon]n.Music(名词)【音乐】PhotoDisc, Inc.
  1. A percussion instrument consisting of a mounted row of wooden bars graduated in length to sound a chromatic scale, played with two small mallets.木琴:一种打击乐器,由逐级加长的一排排镶嵌的木棒组成,并发出半音音阶,用两个小木槌敲击
Related Forms继承用法xyʹlophon'ist n.(名词)注释
  1. Xylophone is a word one expects to encounter in the X section of any children's alphabet book. It is there because it is one of the few words beginning withx that a child or most anyone else would know. Recognition ofxerophagy, "the eating of dry food, especially as a form of fasting practiced in the early Christian Church and chiefly in the Eastern churches today,” orxylotomy, "the preparation of sections of wood for microscopic study" is not to be expected. Most of the English words beginning withx, including these obscurities, are of Greek origin,thex, pronounced (z), representing the Greek letter xi. In the case ofxylophone, xylo- is a form meaning "wood,” derived from Greekxulon, "wood,” and-phone represents Greek phōnē, "voice, sound,” the same element found in words such astelephone, microphone, and megaphone. Our famousx word is first recorded in the April 7, 1866, edition of theAthenaeum : "A prodigy . . . who does wonderful things with little drumsticks on a machine of wooden keys, called the ‘xylophone.’” Xylophone 是一个能在儿童字母书的X部分遇到的单词。 因为它是儿童或最多人知道的少数几个以x 开头的单词之一。 承认xerophagy, “吃不含荤与酒的食物,尤其指早期基督教会和现今东正教进行斋戒的一种形式,” 或xylotomy, “制备供显微镜检查用的木材切片”,这两个单词在儿童书里是看不到的。 大部分以x 开头的英语单词, 包括那些起源于希腊文的含义模糊的词,x, 发音为(z),代表希腊字母xi。 在xytophonexylo- 中的意思是“木头”, 起源于希腊语的xulon, “木头”, 而-phone 正是希腊语 phone, 意思是“声音,噪音”, 同样的因素也可以在象telephone, microphone, 和 megaphone 等单词里找到。 众所周知的含x 的单词最早有记载于1866年4月7日, Athenaeum 的版本中有“一个不平凡的人…他用小鼓槌在木健的机器上干出了精彩的事,那东西叫‘木琴’”




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