

单词 whence
释义 whence AHD[hwĕns, wĕns] D.J.[hwens, wens]K.K.[hwɛns, wɛns]adv.(副词)
    1. From where; from what place:从何处;从哪里:Whence came this traveler?这个旅行者从哪儿来?
    1. From what origin or source:出于什么原因或来源:Whence comes this splendid feast?何以举办如此豪华的宴会?
    1. Out of which place; from or out of which.从那个地方;从那里
    1. By reason of which; from which:据此,由此:The dog was coal black from nose to tail, whence the name Shadow.这只狗从鼻尖到尾巴都象炭一般黑,据此就有了“黑影”这个名字
    1. Middle English whennes 中古英语 whennes
    1. whenne [whence] from Old English hwanon * see k wo- whenne [从何处] 源自 古英语 hwanon * 参见 k wo-
    1. -es [genitive sing. suff.] * see -s 3-es [属格单数后缀] * 参见 -s3
Usage Note用法
    1. The constructionfrom whence has been criticized as redundant since the 18th century. It is true thatwhence incorporates the sense of from : 词组from whence 自18世纪以来便一直被批评为重复且与语义无增的词。 确实whence 这个词含有 from 之意: a remote village, whence little news reached the wider world. 遥远偏僻的村庄,几乎没有消息可传到更广阔的世界。
    1. Butfrom whence has been used steadily by reputable writers since the 14th century, most notably in the King James Bible: 但自14世纪以来from whence 一词一直被一些很有声望的作家所使用, 在詹姆士王的《圣经》中最为著名: "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help" (Psalms). “我将抬起双眼望向群山,从那里我的救助将会到来” (赞美诗)。
    1. It is difficult to label as incorrect a construction with such respectable antecedents.Still, it may be observed thatwhence (like thence ) is most often used nowadays to impart an archaic or highly formal tone to a passage, and that this effect is probably better realized if the archaic syntax of the word—withoutfrom —is preserved as well. 由于这样一些值得尊敬的先人,故而将其归类为一个不正确的结构就比较困难。不过,仍然可以注意到whence (如同 thence )在今天最常用来给一段文章赋予一种古体的或极其正式的语调, 并可以注意到如果该调整的古式构词方式(即不带有from 这个词)亦同样保留的话,该古体且高度正式的语调的效果则能更好地体现出来




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