

单词 unruly
释义 un·ru·ly AHD[ŭn-ro͞o′lē] D.J.[ʌnˈruːliː]K.K.[ʌnˈruli]adj.(形容词)un.ru.li.er, un.ru.li.est
  1. Difficult or impossible to discipline, control, or rule.难以或不可能训练,控制或统治的
    1. Middle English unreuli 中古英语 unreuli
    1. un- [not] * see un- 1un- [不] * 参见 un-1
    1. reuli [easy to govern] from reule [rule] * see rule reuli [容易治理的] 源自 reule [统治] * 参见 rule
Related Forms继承用法unruʹliness n.(名词)References参考词汇unruly, ungovernable, intractable, refractory, recalcitrant, willful, headstrong, wayward
    1. These adjectives all mean resistant or marked by resistance to control.这些形容词都指对控制有抵制性的或以对控制的抵制为特征的。
    1. Unruly implies failure to submit to rule or discipline: Unruly 暗示未能服从统治或纪律: The little boy's parents think he is spirited,but his teacher finds him unruly. One that isungovernable is not capable of or amenable to being governed or restrained: 那个小男孩的父母认为他生气勃勃,而他的老师却发现他难以管教。 一个ungovernable 的人不能被管束或限制,或者不服从管束或限制: an ungovernable temper.无法抑制的坏脾气。
    1. Intractable refers to what is obstinate and difficult to manage or control: Intractable 指顽固的和不易管理或控制的东西: "Fox, as the less proud and intractable of the refractory pair, was preferred" (Macaulay).“福克斯是这两个脾气倔强人中较少傲气和较为容易控制的一个,因此被看中了” (麦考利)。
    1. Refractory implies stubborn resistance to control or authority: Refractory 暗示对控制或权威的顽固抵抗: as refractory as a mule. One that isrecalcitrant not only resists authority but rebels against it: 犟得象头骡子。 一个recalcitrant 的人不仅抵抗权威,而且还起来反对它: The university suspended the most recalcitrant demonstrators.该大学对最为桀骜不驯的学生做了暂令停学的处理。
    1. Willful andheadstrong describe one obstinately bent on having his or her own way: Willful 和headstrong 指一个人顽固地决心要按他或她自己的意愿行事: Willful people cannot tolerate the slightest frustration of their wishes.任性的人不能容忍他们的愿望遭受哪怕是最小的一点挫折。His headstrong daughter is destined to learn from her own mistakes. One who iswayward willfully and often perversely departs from what is desired, advised, expected, or required in order to gratify his or her own impulses or inclinations: 他任性倔强的女儿总有一天会从她自己的错误中吸取教训。 一个wayward 的人固执地并且经常是带有逆反心理地背离人们的希望、建议、期望或要求他所做的事情从而来满足他或她自己的冲动或愿望: "a lively child, who had been spoilt and indulged, and therefore was sometimes wayward" (Charlotte Brontë).“原本是一个活泼可爱的小孩,可因为被宠惯了,所以有时也会刚愎自用,任性倔强” (夏洛蒂·勃朗特)




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