释义 |
die 1 AHD[dī] D.J.[daɪ]K.K.[daɪ]v.intr.(不及物动词)died, dy.ing[dīʹĭng] dies  die2dies used to coin the euro- To cease living; become dead; expire.死:停止生存;死亡;断气
- To cease existing, especially by degrees; fade:消失,消逝:不再存在,特别是指程度;消失:The sunlight died in the west.阳光消失在西面
- To experience an agony or suffering suggestive of that of death:濒临…的边缘:经历死亡的或联想到死亡的痛苦:nearly died of embarrassment.几乎死于窘迫
- Informal To desire something greatly:【非正式用语】 渴望:非常需要某物:I am dying for a box of chocolates. She was dying to see the exhibit.我非常想得到一盒巧克力;她非常想去看展览
- To cease operation; stop:停止运转:中止操作;停止:If your vehicle dies, stay with it.如果你的车开不动了,就等在那儿
- To be destroyed, as in combat:毁灭:毁灭,如在战斗中毁坏:could see the remains of two aircraft that had died in the attack.可以看到在袭击中毁坏的两架飞机
die back 【植物学】 - To be affected by dieback.枝叶枯萎:受顶枯病影响
die down - To lose strength; subside:渐弱,消退:没劲了;平静了:The winds died down.风渐渐平息了
die off - To undergo a sudden, sharp decline in population:相继死亡:种群突然急剧的衰减:Rabbits were dying off in that county.在那个地区的兔子相继死亡了,直至灭绝
die out - To cease living completely; become extinct:灭绝:完全的灭亡;灭绝:tribes and tribal customs that died out centuries ago.部落和部落文化在几个世纪前就消灭了
die hard - To take a long time in passing out of existence:难断气:需要很长时间才能停止存在:racial prejudices that die hard.种族歧视会漫漫消失
- To resist against overwhelming, hopeless odds:顽固到底:抵制无希望的、可能性很小的条件:radicalism that dies hard.顽固的激进分子
- Middle English dien 中古英语 dien
- probably from Old Norse deyja * see dheu- 2可能源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 deyja * 参见 dheu- 2
die 2 AHD[dī] D.J.[daɪ]K.K.[daɪ]n.(名词)【复数】 dies 或 dice [dīs] - pl. dies A device used for cutting out, forming, or stamping material, especially:【复数】 dies 模具:一种用于切割、模锻或冲压材料的装置,尤指:
- An engraved metal piece used for impressing a design onto a softer metal, as in coining money.金属模子:一种用于镌刻的金属件,可将设计好的图案压印到较软的金属上,例如压制货币
- One of several component pieces that are fitted into a diestock to cut threads on screws or bolts.铆头模:一种组成切削螺栓上的板牙板手的部件
- A part on a machine that punches shaped holes in, cuts, or forms sheet metal, cardboard, or other stock.冲模,铸模:一种机器的一部分,该机器可以对金属板、卡纸或其它粗钢材料进行切削或成形
- A metal block containing small conical holes through which plastic, metal, or other ductile material is extruded or drawn.金属印模:一种金属块有一个圆锥孔,可挤压或拉伸塑料、金属或其它可拉延材料
- pl. dies Architecture The dado of a pedestal, especially when cube-shaped.【复数】 dies 【建筑学】 方形墩基:支柱的基座,尤其是立方形支柱
- pl. dice Games 【复数】 dice 【游戏】
- A small cube marked on each side with from one to six dots, usually used in pairs in gambling and in various other games.骰子:一个小的正六面体,每面分割为一副六个点,通常为一对,用于赌博或其它游戏中
- dice (used with a sing. verb)A game of chance using dice. dice (与单数动词连用)赌骰子:一种使用骰子的概率游戏
v.tr.(及物动词)died, die.ing, dies - To cut, form, or stamp with or as if with a die.压模:切削、模锻或冲压或压模
load the dice - To make an outcome highly probable; predetermine a result:作可能性大的决定;预测结果:"These factors merely load the dice, upping the odds that a household will fall into a certain . . . income distribution"(Thomas G. Exter)“这些因素只是做手脚,是为增加家庭收入分配的有利条件”(托马斯G.埃克斯特)
- To put another at a distinct disadvantage, as through prior maneuver:事先决定成败:将对方置于明显的劣势,如已先做了手脚:The dice were loaded against the defendant before the trial.在审判前已做了手脚以使对被告不利
no dice - Of no use; futile.无用的;没有价值的
- Used as a refusal to a request.不行:用作拒绝要求
the die is cast - The decision has been made and is irrevocable.木已成舟:已作出决定,无法反悔
- Middle English de [gaming die] 中古英语 de [骰子]
- from Old French 源自 古法语
- from Latin datum [from neuter past participle of] dare [to give] * see dō- 源自 拉丁语 datum 源自dare的中性过去分词 [给出] * 参见 dō-