

单词 dark
释义 dark AHD[därk] D.J.[dɑːk]K.K.[dɑrk]adj.(形容词)dark.er, dark.est 缩写 dk.
    1. Lacking or having very little light:黑暗的:缺乏或只有少量光线的:a dark corner.黑暗的角落
    2. Lacking brightness:缺乏光亮的:a dark day.阴天
    1. Reflecting only a small fraction of incident light.光线微弱的:反射入射光的仅一小部分的
    1. Of a shade tending toward black in comparison with other shades. Used of a color.有阴影的,暗色调的:和其他阴影相比较,属于趋向于黑色的阴影的。用于颜色
    1. Having a complexion that is not fair; swarthy.黑皮肤的:具有非白晰的脸色的;黑黝黝的
    1. Characterized by gloom; dismal:以幽暗为特点的;忧郁的:took a dark view of the consequences.对结果持悲观看法
    1. Sullen or threatening:阴郁的或威胁的:a dark scowl.脸色阴郁
    1. Difficult to understand; obscure:难以理解的;模糊的:stories that are large in scope and dark in substance.故事范围庞大,但内容难以理解
    1. Concealed or secret; mysterious:隐藏的或秘密的;神秘的:"the dark mysteries of Africa and the fabled wonders of the East"(W. Bruce Lincoln)“非洲黑色的神秘和东方的神话般的奇迹”(W.布鲁斯·林肯)
    1. Lacking enlightenment, knowledge, or culture:没知识的:缺乏教育、知识或文化的:a dark age in the history of education.教育史上的黑暗时代
    1. Exhibiting or stemming from evil characteristics or forces; sinister:凶恶的,阴险的:展示或来自邪恶的人物或力量的阻碍;邪恶的:"churned up dark undercurrents of ethnic and religious hostility"(Peter Maas)“搅起种族和宗教仇视的邪恶潜流”(彼得·马斯)
    1. Having richness or depth:富有的,深沉的:a dark, melancholy vocal tone.低沉忧郁的声调
    1. Not giving performances; closed:不演出的;关闭的:The movie theater is dark on Mondays.电影院每逢星期一公休
    1. Absence of light.黑暗:缺乏光线
    1. A place having little or no light.黑暗之处:光线很弱或没有光线的地方
    1. Night; nightfall:夜晚;黄昏:home before dark.天黑以前回家
    1. A deep hue or color.深色调:深的色调或颜色
Idioms习惯用语in the dark
    1. In secret:秘密地:high-level decisions made in the dark.高层决定是秘密地制定的
    1. In a state of ignorance; uninformed:一无所知地;未通知地:kept me in the dark about their plans.我对他们的计划一无所知
    1. Middle English derk 中古英语 derk
    1. from Old English deorc 源自 古英语 deorc
Related Forms继承用法darkʹish adj.(形容词)darkʹly adv.(副词)darkʹness n.(名词)References参考词汇dark, dim, murky, dusky, obscure, opaque, shady, shadowy
    1. These adjectives indicate the absence of light or clarity.这些形容词表示缺乏光线或清晰度。
    1. Dark, the most widely applicable, can refer to insufficiency of illumination for seeing: Dark 应用的最广泛,指能被没有足够的光源看见: "Under the earth, in the flat, dark air, the wet, gloomy rock gave quarter grudgingly" (Jimmy Breslin).The word can also denote deepness of shade or color ( “在地下,在死气沉沉的、阴暗的空气里,潮湿阴郁的石头不情愿地分开 (吉米·布雷斯林)。这个单词也能表示阴影或颜色的深度( dark brown), absence of cheer ( 深褐色), 不高兴( a dark, somber mood), or lack of rectitude: 不高兴、忧郁的情绪) 或缺乏正直: "It [gold] serves what life requires,/But dreadful too, the dark Assassin hires" (Alexander Pope).“它 为生活的需要服务,但是也是可怕的,成为邪恶的暗杀团体成员的雇金 (亚历山大教皇)。
    1. Dim suggests lack of clarity of outline, as of physical entities or mental processes such as recollection: Dim 暗示使轮廓清晰的缺乏,如物理实体或脑力过程的,如回忆: "life and the memory of it cramped,/dim, on a piece of Bristol board" (Elizabeth Bishop);it can also apply to a source of light to indicate insufficiency: “生活及其回忆在一块上等板纸上束缚着、模糊着” (伊丽莎白大主教);它也能用于被表示不足光线的来源: "storied Windows richly dight,/Casting a dim religious light" (John Milton).“以历史故事装饰富丽堂皇的窗户,投射了一丝模糊的宗教光线” (约翰·米尔顿)。
    1. Murky implies darkness, often extreme, such as that produced by smoke or fog: Murky 意指黑暗,往往是极端的,如由烟或雾致成的: "an atmosphere murky with sand" (Willa Cather). 由沙子导致的黑暗气氛 (威拉·凯瑟)。 "The path was altogether indiscernible in the murky darkness which surrounded them" (Sir Walter Scott).Figuratively it can imply dark vagueness: “这条小径被围绕在漆黑中难以辨别” (沃尔特·斯科特爵士)。它能象征性地暗示不明确、朦胧模糊: "the narrow crevice of one good deed in a murky life of guilt" (Charles Dickens). “在罪恶糊涂的一生中,仅有的一件好事” (查尔斯·狄更斯)。
    1. Dusky applies principally to the dimness that is characteristic of diminishing light, as at twilight: Dusky 主要指以逐渐减弱的光线为特点的暗淡,如黎明时: "The dusky night rides down the sky,/And ushers in the morn" (Henry Fielding);it often refers to deepness of shade of a color: “黑夜驱走了天空/带来了早晨” (亨利·菲尔丁);它常指阴影或颜色的深度: "A dusky blush rose to her cheek" (Edith Wharton).“红晕的羞愧涌上她的面颊” (伊迪斯·华顿)。
    1. Obscure usually means unclear to the mind or senses ( Obscure 通常意思是思乡或感觉不清晰 ( an obscure communiqué requiring clarification), but it can refer to physical darkness ( 需要说明的思路不清的公报), 但是它也能指物理上的黑暗( the obscure rooms of a shuttered mansion). 装上百叶窗的大厦的黑暗房间)。
    1. Opaque means not admitting penetration by light ( Opaque 指不能被光线穿透的( opaque rock crystals); figuratively it applies to something that is unintelligible: 不透明的岩石晶体); 它能用于比喻难以理解的事情: "Nixon confined himself to opaque philosophical statements that indicated he was not ready for a discussion of basic assumptions" (Henry A. Kissinger).“尼克松把自己沉浸在晦涩的哲学论述中,这意味着他不准备讨论基础假说” (亨利·A·基辛格)。
    1. Shady refers literally to what is sheltered from light, especially sunlight ( Shady 字面上指避光的,尤其是太阳光( a shady grove of catalpas) or figuratively to what is of questionable honesty ( 梓属植物的避光树丛) 或比喻意义上指有可疑的诚实( shady business deals). 可疑的商业交易)。
    1. Shadowy also implies obstructed light ( Shadowy 也指被挡住的光线 ( a shadowy avenue through thick foliage) but may suggest shifting illumination and indistinctness: 茂密的叶子遮住了林荫道), 但也可暗示转换照明和模糊: “[He] retreated from the limelight to the shadowy fringe of music history" (Charles Sherman).The word can refer to something that seems to lack substance and is mysterious and possibly sinister: “ 从受人注意的中心回到音乐史的虚幻边缘 (查尔斯·谢尔曼)。这个词可用来指看起来好象缺乏实质和神秘的或可能邪恶的事情: a shadowy figure in a black Homburg traversing the fogbound park. 头戴黑色翘边帽的神秘人在因浓雾而进退不能的公园来回徘徊




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