

单词 Taylor
释义 Tay·lor AHD[tāʹlər] D.J.[ˈteɪlə]K.K.[ˈtelɚ]NONE(无词性)
  1. A city of southeast Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. Population, 70,811.泰勒:美国密歇根州东南部一城市,底特律的一郊区。人口70,811

TaylorDavid Watson (1864-1940)NONE(无词性)
  1. American naval officer and architect who oversaw the design and construction of U.S. navy ships and aircraft from 1914 to 1922.泰勒,戴维·沃森:(1864-1940) 美国海军军官和设计师,负责从1914年到1922年间美国海军军舰和飞机的设计和建造

TaylorEdward (1645?-1729)NONE(无词性)
  1. English-born American Puritan cleric and poet. Although his works were unpublished until 1939, he is now recognized as one of colonial America's finest poets. His poems include "God's Determinations Touching His Elect" (c. 1685).泰勒,爱德华:(1645?-1729) 英裔美国清教徒牧师和诗人。尽管他的作品直到1939年才出版,现在他还是被认为是殖民地美国的最优秀诗人。他的诗包括《上帝的决心感化了他的选民》(作于1685年)

TaylorElizabeth (Born 1932)NONE(无词性)
  1. British-born American actress. A childhood star after her appearance inNational Velvet (1944), she later won an Academy Award for Butterfield 8 (1960) and for Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966). 泰勒,伊丽莎白:(生于 1932) 英裔美国女演员。1944年她出演《玉女神驹》 后成为童星,她后来凭影片 《巴特菲尔德第八》 (1960年)和 《谁怕弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫》 (1966年)两获奥斯卡金像奖

TaylorFrederick Winslow (1856-1915)NONE(无词性)
  1. American inventor, engineer, and efficiency expert noted for his innovations in industrial engineering and management.泰勒,弗雷德里克·温斯洛:(1856-1915) 美国发明家、工程师和效率专家,他因在工业工程学和管理上的革新而著名

Taylor(James) Bayard (1825-1878)NONE(无词性)
  1. American writer known especially for his travel books and his translation (1870-1871) of Goethe'sFaust. 泰勒,(詹姆斯)拜尔德:(1825-1878) 美国作家,以他的旅游书和对歌德《浮士德》 的翻译(1870年到1871年)而闻名

TaylorJeremy (1613-1667)NONE(无词性)
  1. English bishop and writer whose most important works areThe Rule and Exercises of Holy Living (1650) and The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying (1651). 泰勒,杰里米:(1613-1667) 英国基督教主教和作家,他最重要的作品是《圣洁生活的规则和习尚》 (1650年)和 《圣洁死亡的规则和习尚》 (1651年)

Taylor(Joseph) Deems (1885-1966)NONE(无词性)
  1. American composer and critic. He composed the suite for chamber ensembleThrough the Looking Glass (1918) and wrote The Well-Tempered Listener (1940). 泰勒,(约瑟夫)迪穆斯:(1885-1966) 美国作曲家和评论家。他曾为室内合奏乐《透过镜子》 编写组曲(1918年),并写了 《脾气好的听众》 (1940年)

TaylorLaurette (1884-1946)NONE(无词性)
  1. American actress best known for her portrayal of Amanda Wingfield in Tennessee Williams'sThe Glass Menagerie. 泰勒,劳雷特:(1884-1946) 美国女演员,她因在田纳西·威廉的《玻璃动物园》 中扮演阿曼达·温菲尔德而著名

TaylorPaul (Born 1930)NONE(无词性)
  1. American choreographer whose avant-garde work includesThree Epitaphs (1956) and Orbs (1966). 泰勒,保罗:(生于 1930) 美国舞蹈指导,他的先锋派作品包括《三个墓志铭》 (1956年)和 《球体》 (1966年)

TaylorRichard E. (Born 1929)NONE(无词性)
  1. Canadian physicist. He shared a 1990 Nobel Prize for research that confirmed the existence of quarks.泰勒,理查德E.:(生于 1929) 加拿大物理学家。他因研究和证实夸克的存在而获1990年诺贝尔奖

TaylorTom (1817-1880)NONE(无词性)
  1. British playwright whose works includeOur American Cousin (1858). 泰勒,汤姆:(1817-1880) 英国剧作家,他的作品包括《我们的美国堂兄弟》 (1858年)

TaylorZachary Known as "Old Rough and Ready.”(1784-1850)NONE(无词性)
  1. The 12th President of the United States (1849-1850). An army officer in the Black Hawk War (1832) and the Second Seminole War (1835-1837), he became a national hero during the Mexican War (1846-1848) and was elected President in 1848. He died after less than two years in office.泰勒,扎迦利:(1784-1850) 美国第十二任总统(1849-1850年)。在黑鹰战争(1832年)和第二次西米诺尔战争(1835-1837年)中任陆军军官,在墨西哥战争(1846-1848年)期间成为民族英雄,1848年被选为总统。上任不到两年他死在任上




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