

单词 cone
释义 cone AHD[kōn] D.J.[kəʊn]K.K.[kon]n.(名词)right circular coneClarinda/Academy Artworks
    1. Mathematics 【数学】
    1. The surface generated by a straight line, the generator, passing through a fixed point, the vertex, and moving along a fixed curve, the directrix.锥面:由一条直线,即母线,通过一固定点,即顶点,沿一给定曲线,即准线,连续移动而产生的平面
    2. A right circular cone.直立圆锥
    1. The figure formed by a cone, bound or regarded as bound by its vertex and a plane section taken anywhere above or below the vertex.圆锥体:由或被认为是由其顶点确定的锥体和取自顶点以上或以下的横切平面组成的几何体
    2. Something having the shape of this figure:具有锥形的物体:"the cone of illuminated drops spilling beneath a street lamp"(Anne Tyler)“街灯下形成一个锥形的光亮区”(安妮·泰勒)
    1. Botany 【植物学】
    1. A unisexual reproductive structure of gymnospermous plants such as conifers and cycads, typically consisting of a central axis around which there are scaly, overlapping, spirally arranged sporophylls that develop pollen-bearing sacs or naked ovules or seeds.球果:单性裸子植物的生殖器,例如针叶树和铁树目植物,一般由覆满鳞片和褶皱的中心轴构成,长螺旋状排列的孢子叶,孢子叶最终成为花粉囊或裸露的孢子或种子
    2. A similar structure that produces spores on club mosses, horsetails, and spike mosses.球果结构:在石松、木贼和穗状苔藓植物上产生孢子的类似的结构
    3. Any reproductive structure resembling a cone, such as a cluster of hop or alder fruits.锥体再生结构:其它类似于锥体的再生结构,如蛇麻草或赤扬果实
    1. Physiology One of the photoreceptors in the retina of the eye that is responsible for daylight and color vision. These photoreceptors are most densely concentrated in the fovea centralis, creating the area of greatest visual acuity.【生理学】 视锥细胞:一种在视网膜上感受光线和色彩的感光细胞。这些感光细胞主要集中于视网膜的中央凹进处,使得这一部分对光线最敏感
    1. Any of various gastropod mollusks of the family Conidae of tropical and subtropical seas, having a conical, often vividly marked shell and the ability to inflict a poisonous, sometimes fatal sting.芋螺科动物:任一种热带和亚热带海洋芋螺科动物中的腹足类软体动物,具有锥形的,色彩艳丽的外壳且长有剧毒甚至能致命的尖刺
v.tr.(及物动词)coned, con.ing, cones
  1. To shape (something) like a cone or a segment of one.使成锥体:使(某物)成锥状或成为锥体的一部分
    1. French cône 法语 cône
    1. Middle English [angle of a quadrant] 中古英语 [象限角]
    1. both from Latin cōnus 都源自 拉丁语 cōnus
    1. from Greek kōnos * see kō- 源自 希腊语 kōnos * 参见 kō-




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