

单词 come
释义 come AHD[kŭm] D.J.[kʌm]K.K.[kʌm]v.intr.(不及物动词)came[kām] come, com.ing, comes
    1. To advance toward the speaker or toward a specified place; approach:来:走向说话者或到一特定位置;接近:Come to me.到我这儿来
    2. To advance in a specified manner:按一定方式前进:The children came reluctantly when I insisted.在我坚持下,孩子们勉强来了
    1. To make progress; advance:进步;前进:a former drug addict who has come a long way.一位过去很长一段时间吸毒的瘾君子
    2. To fare:演变:How are things coming today? They're coming fine.你今天好吗?他们过得不错
    1. To reach a particular point in a series or as a result of orderly progression:到达:在一系列有序前进或成为有序前进的结果中达到一特定点:At last we came to the chapter on ergonomics.我们终于念到了人类工程学这一章
    2. To arrive, as in due course:刚好到达:Dawn comes at 5a.m. in June. 六月时,恰好在凌晨 五点破晓
    1. To move into view; appear:进入视线;出现:The moon came over the horizon.月亮出现在地平线上
    1. To occur in time; take place:及时出现;发生:"In the . . . saloon . . . the sawdust on the floor gets changed biweekly come fog, downpour or the occasional shard of sunlight"(Paul A. Witteman)“在大厅里,…地板上的锯木屑两周一次地变成尘雾、倾盆大雨或日光下偶尔出现的碎片”(保罗A.维特曼)
    1. To arrive at a particular result or end:达到特定结果:come to an understanding.达到谅解
    2. To arrive at or reach a particular state or condition:达到特定状况:Come to your senses!醒一醒
    3. To move or be brought to a particular position:移到或被带到特定位置:The convoy came to an abrupt halt.护送队突然停住
    1. To extend; reach:延伸;达到:water that came to my waist.已及腰的水
    1. To have priority; rank:有优先权;高于:My work comes first.我的工作是第一位的
    1. To reach a particular condition or to arrive at a specified viewpoint:达到特定条件或特定观点:I have come to view the issue in a different light. How did you come to know that?我对这个问题有不同的见解。你怎么知道的这件事?
    2. To happen as a result:最终发生:This comes of your carelessness.这由于你疏忽引起
    1. To fall to one:出自于:No good can come of this.这件事没有什么好处
    1. To occur in the mind:想到:A good idea just came to me.我恰有一个好想法
    1. To issue forth:发出:A cry came from the frightened child.哭声来自受惊的孩子
    2. To be derived; originate:源自;源于:Oaks come from acorns.橡木来自橡树子
    3. To be descended:出身:They come from a good family.他们出身良好
    4. To be within a given range or spectrum of reference or application:合乎:在给定范围内,在参考或应用领域中:This stipulation comes within the terms of your contract.此规定合乎你的合同项目
    1. To be a native or resident of:来自或居住于:My friend comes from Chicago.我的朋友来自芝加哥
    1. To add up to a certain amount:加到一定量:Expenses came to more than income.支出超过收入
    1. To become:变成:The knot came loose. This is a dream that has come true.结变松了。这是一个实现了的梦想
    2. To turn out to be:成为:A good education doesn't come cheap.良好教育的费用不菲
    1. To be available or obtainable:可用或可获得:shoes that come in all sizes.有各种尺寸的鞋子
    1. Vulgar Slang To experience orgasm.【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 体验兴奋高潮
n.Vulgar Slang (名词)【粗俗用语】 【俚语】
  1. Semen.精液
Phrasal Verbs常用词组come about
    1. To take place; happen.出现;发生
    1. To turn around.转向
    1. Nautical To change tack.【航海】 改变航向
come across
    1. To meet or find by chance:偶然遇到或找到:came across my old college roommate in town today.今天在镇上遇到我大学的老同学
    1. Slang 【俚语】
    1. To do what is wanted.做所想做的
    2. To pay over money that is demanded:付要求的钱:came across with the check.开支票支付
    1. To give an impression:给予印象:"He comes across as a very sincere, religious individual"(William L. Clay)“他给人的印象是一个很虔诚的、笃实的人”(威廉L.克莱)
come along
    1. To make advances to a goal; progress:进展:对一个目标有进步;前进:Things are coming along fine.事情进展顺利
    1. To go with someone else who takes the lead:跟随:与另一个带头的人走:I'll come along on the hike.我将徒步旅行来
    1. To show up; appear:表现;出现:Don't take the first offer that comes along.不要采取他人的第一个提议
come around come round
    1. To recover, revive:恢复,还原:fainted but soon came around.昏迷但马上苏醒
    1. To change one's opinion or position:改变某人意见或立场:You'll come around after you hear the whole story.你听到整个故事之后你会明白
come at
    1. To obtain; get:获得;得到:come at an education through study.经由研究得到教育
    1. To rush at; attack.对…冲击;攻击
come back
    1. To return to or regain past success after a period of misfortune.东山再起:在一段不幸之后回到或再获得过去的成功
    1. To retort; reply:反驳;回答:came back with a sharp riposte.以尖锐的反驳回答
    1. To recur to the memory:再现记忆:When I saw the picture, happy memories came back.当我看到这照片,美好的回忆又再度浮现
come by
    1. To gain possession of; acquire:占有;取得:Mortgages are hard to come by.抵押难以获得
    1. To pay a visit.访问
come down
    1. To lose wealth or position:失去财富或地位:He has really come down in the world.他在这个世界上真的失去了地位
    1. To pass or be handed down by tradition:传承:按习惯通过或处理:customs that come down from colonial times.从殖民时代传承下来的惯例
    2. To be handed down from a higher authority:宣判:从更高权威传下来:An indictment finally came down.终于宣判起诉
    1. Slang To happen; occur:【俚语】 发生;出现:What's coming down tonight?今晚发生了什么事情?
come in
    1. To arrive:到达:Fall clothes will be coming in soon.秋装即将上市
    2. To become available for use:成为可用:New weather information just came in.新气象信息刚被采用
    3. To start producing. Used of an oil well.开始生产。用于油井
    1. To arrive among those who finish a contest or race:比赛名次:在完成比赛的那些人中达到:came in fifth.第五名
    1. To perform or function in a particular way:按特殊方法执行或运作:A food processor comes in handy.食品加工处理机用来十分便利
    1. To reply in a specified manner to a call or signal:以特定方式回应:对电话或信号按特定方式回答:The pilot's voice came in loud and clear.飞行员回应的声音大而清晰
    1. To take on a specified role:承办规定的任务:When editorial review commences, that's where you come in.编辑复审开始时,那有你要做的工作
come into
  1. To acquire, especially as an inheritance:获得,尤指遗产:She came into a fortune on her 21st birthday.她在二十一岁生日的时获得了一笔遗产
come off
    1. To happen; occur:发生;出现:The trip came off on schedule.旅行按计划得到实现
    1. To acquit oneself:表现:She is sure to come off badly if challenged to explain.如果被要求解释,她肯定表现得很差
    1. To turn out to be successful:结果是成功的:a party that came off.成功的晚会
come on
    1. To convey a particular personal image:表现个人特定形象:comes on as an old-fashioned reactionary.表现出象保守主义者
    1. Slang To show sexual interest in someone:【俚语】 对某人有性兴趣:trying to come on to me during the party.在宴会期间力图亲近我
    1. To progress or advance in increments:递增:按增额发展或进步:Darkness came on after seven.七点以后天色渐暗
    2. To begin in small increments or by degrees:逐渐开始:按小的增额或程度开始:Sleet came on after one o'clock.在一点钟后冰雹到来了
    1. To hurry up; move rapidly. Often used in the imperative:催促;快速运动。常用于祈使语气:Would you please come on! We'll be late!请快一点吧!我们要晚了!
    1. To stop an inappropriate behavior; abandon a position or an attitude; be obliging. Used chiefly in the imperative:制止:制止一种不合适的行为;放弃一种职位或态度;强迫。主要用于祈使语气:You've used the same feeble excuse for weeks. Come on!几个星期以来你一直采用相同的无力借口。别再装了
come out
    1. To become known:成为众所周知:The whole story came out at the trial.整个真相在审问中变得众所周知
    1. To be issued or brought out:发行或发表:The author's new book just came out.作家的新书刚出版
    1. To make a formal social debut:正式的社交:She came out at age 18 in New York City.她于十八岁在纽约城初入社交圈
    1. To end up; result:结束;结果:Everything came out wrong.每件事都是错误地结束
    1. To declare oneself publicly:自己公开宣布:The governor came out in favor of tax breaks.这位政府官员公开宣布赞成停止征税
    1. To reveal that one is gay or homosexual.揭露某人同性恋的身份
come over
    1. To change sides, as in a controversy.改变立场,例如在争论中
    1. To pay a casual visit.偶然拜访
come through
    1. To do what is required or anticipated:作要求的或预期的事:I asked for their help, and they came through.他们给了我所需要的帮助
    1. To become manifest:成为显然的:The parents' tenderness comes through in their facial expressions.父母的慈爱之情显现在脸上
    2. To be communicated in a specified manner:用一种特别的方式沟通:The pilot's voice came through loud and clear.飞行员的声音大而清楚
come to
    1. To recover consciousness:恢复知觉:The fainting victim came to.昏倒的受害者恢复了意识
    1. Nautical 【航海】
    1. To bring the bow into the wind.使船头转向迎风
    2. To anchor.抛锚泊(船)
come up
    1. To manifest itself; arise:显现;出现:The question never came up.从不曾发生过这个问题
    1. To rise above the horizon:升到地平线上:The sun came up.太阳升起了
    1. To rise, as in status or rank:晋级:提升,如在状态或级别上:a general who came up from the ranks.按等级晋升的将军
    1. To draw near; approach:靠近;接近:came up and said hello.靠近并打招呼
come upon
  1. To discover or meet by accident.偶然发现或遇到
Idioms习惯用语come a cropper
  1. To fail utterly.彻底失败
come clean
  1. To confess all.全都坦白
come down on
  1. To punish, oppose, or reprimand severely and often with force:申斥,谴责:严厉地且强有力地处罚、反对或谴责:a district attorney who came down hard on drug dealers.猛烈地谴责毒贩的地区辩护律师
come down to
    1. To confront or deal with forthrightly:直率地面对或处理:When you come right down to it, you have to admit I'm correct.当你真正面对它时,你就必须承认我是正确的
    1. To amount to in essence:在意义上相当于:It comes down to this: the man is a cheat.事实是这样:那人是个骗子
come down with
  1. To become sick with (an illness):染病,得病:因(一种病)感到身体不舒服:came down with the flu.因流感而感到不适
come in for
  1. To receive; be subjected to:接受;服从:came in for harsh criticism.接受严厉的批评
come into (one's) own
    1. To get possession of what belongs to one.获得属于某人的东西
    1. To obtain rightful recognition or prosperity:获得恰当的认可或成功:a concert pianist who has at last come into his own.终于获得成功的协奏曲钢琴演奏家
come off it【俚语】
  1. To stop acting or speaking foolishly or pretentiously. Often used in the imperative.住口,别胡扯:停止动作或愚蠢地或狂妄地谈话。常用于祈使语气
come out with
    1. To put into words; say:进行谈话;讲话:always comes out with the truth.以事实讲话
    1. To reveal publicly:公开揭露:came out with a new tax package.一组新税出台
come to blows
  1. To begin a physical fight.开始肉搏
come to grief
  1. To meet with disaster; fail.遇到不幸;失败
come to grips with
  1. To confront squarely and attempt to deal decisively with:使直接面临并打算断然处理:"He had to come to grips with the proposition"(Louis Auchincloss)“他需要认真对待此建议”(路易斯·奥金克洛斯)
come to light come to hand
  1. To be clearly revealed or disclosed:被清楚地暴露或揭发:"A further problem . . . came to light last summer as a result of post-flight inspections"(John Noble Wilford)“作为飞行后检查的结果,进一步的问题…出现在去年夏季”(约翰·诺贝尔·威尔福特)
come to terms
    1. To confront squarely and come to understand fully and objectively:互相理解:诚实地面对并达到完全地和客观地了解:"He attempts to come to terms with his own early experiences . . . and with his father, a con man of extravagant dimensions"(Peter S. Prescott)“他打算遵从于自己的早年经历…和他的父亲——奢侈的反对者”(彼得S.普雷斯科特)
    1. To reach mutual agreement:达成协议,妥协:The warring factions have at last come to terms.互相斗争的派别最后达成了协议
come true
  1. To happen as predicted:实现,达到:按预期发生:My fondest dreams have at last come true.我最期望的理想最终实现了
come up against
  1. To encounter, especially a difficulty or major problem.碰见困难,遭遇问题:碰见,尤指困难和主要问题
come up with
  1. To bring forth or discover:宣布或发现:came up with a cure for the disease.发现疾病的治疗方法
    1. Middle English comen 中古英语 comen
    1. from Old English cuman * see g wā- 源自 古英语 cuman * 参见 g wā-




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