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col·or AHD[kŭlʹər] D.J.[ˈkʌlə]K.K.[ˈkʌlɚ]n.(名词)abbr. col.【缩写】 - That aspect of things that is caused by differing qualities of the light reflected or emitted by them, definable in terms of the observer or of the light, as:颜色,色彩:不同性质的光经由物体反射或发射而形成的物体属性,根据观察者或光线可界定为:
- The appearance of objects or light sources described in terms of the individual's perception of them, involving hue, lightness, and saturation for objects and hue, brightness, and saturation for light sources.色调,色彩:物体或光源的视觉表象,包括物体及光源的色彩、光亮度及饱和度
- The characteristics of light by which the individual is made aware of objects or light sources through the receptors of the eye, described in terms of dominant wavelength, luminance, and purity.色调明暗度:光的一种属性,人的视觉器官借以识别物体及光源,可界定为波长、亮度及纯度
- A substance, such as a dye, pigment, or paint, that imparts a hue.颜料:一种物质,诸如染料、色料或油彩
- The general appearance of the skin; complexion.脸色:皮肤的整体表象;气色
- A ruddy complexion.红润的肤色
- A reddening of the face; a blush.脸红;绯红
- The skin pigmentation of a person not classed as white.除白种人外有色人种的肤色
- colors A flag or banner, as of a country or military unit. colors 旗帜:一个国家或军队的旗帜或象征
- colors The salute made during the ceremony of raising or lowering a flag. colors 敬礼:升降旗时对旗帜敬礼
- colors A distinguishing symbol, badge, ribbon, or mark: colors 徽记:一个明显的标记、徽章、丝带或印记:the colors of a college.学院校徽
- colors One's opinion or position: colors 立场:一个人的意见或立场:Stick to your colors.坚持你的立场
- Often colors Character or nature: 常作 colors 特性:性质或特点:revealed their true colors.揭露他们的真面目
- Outward appearance, often deceptive:表象:外在的表象,常带有欺骗性:a tale with only the slightest color of truth.一个没有一点真实性的故事
- Appearance of authenticity:真实意味:testimony that lends color to an otherwise absurd notion.给原本荒唐的说法带来真实性的证词
- Variety of expression.说法:不同的表达方法:
- Vivid, picturesque detail:细节:生动、多彩的细节:a story with a great deal of color in it.有声有色的故事
- Traits of personality or behavior that attract interest.性格:一些吸引人的个性或举止
- The use or effect of pigment in painting, as distinct from form.着色:绘画中使用色彩,有别于构图
- Music Tonal quality.【音乐】 音色
- Law A mere semblance of legal right.【法律】 表面(权利):合法权益的表象
- A particle or bit of gold found in auriferous gravel or sand.微粒:金矿或沙堆中发现的金属
- Physics A quantum characteristic of quarks that determines their role in the strong interaction.【物理学】 颜色:确定夸克在强烈反应中作用的量的属性
n.attributive.(定语名词)- Often used to modify another noun:彩色的:常用来修饰另一个名词:color photography; color television.彩色摄影;彩色电视
v.(动词)col.ored, col.or.ing, col.ors v.tr.(及物动词)- To impart color to or change the color of.上色:给…上色或变色
- To give a distinctive character or quality to; modify.See Synonyms at bias 修饰:赋予某事物特殊的性质;修饰 参见 bias
- To exert an influence on; affect:施加影响:给某事物施加影响;影响:The war colored the lives of all of us.战争影响我们所有人的生活
- To misrepresent, especially by distortion or exaggeration:歪曲:靠歪曲或夸张来曲解事物:color the facts.歪曲事实
- To gloss over; excuse:掩饰:为…寻找遁词;借口:a parent who colored the children's lies.为孩子谎言开脱的家长
v.intr.(不及物动词)- To take on color.上色
- To change color.变色
- To become red in the face; blush.脸变红了;脸红
- Middle English colour 中古英语 colour
- from Old French 源自 古法语
- from Latin color * see kel- 1源自 拉丁语 color * 参见 kel- 1
colʹorer n.(名词)- The termsperson of color and people of color have been revived for use in formal contexts to refer to members or groups of non-European origin (e.g., Black people, Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans): person of color 和 people of color 的称呼已经恢复在正规场合的使用, 指代非欧洲裔人士(比如:黑人、亚洲人、太平洋诸岛人以及北美土著人): "These are profound tendencies which strike at the middle class as well as the poor, at whites as well as people of color" (Jesse Jackson).“这些事态无论对中产阶级还是穷人,无论对白人还是有色人种都是一个打击” (杰西·杰克逊)。
- Many people preferpeople of color as a rough substitute for minorities because these groups are not in fact in the minority in many parts of America.See Usage Note at black 许多人喜欢用people of color 作为 minorities 的粗略代用语, 因为这些人实际上在美国许多地区并非为少数 参见 black