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Solomon Islands 1NONE(无词性) - An island group of the western Pacific Ocean east of New Guinea. The volcanic islands, first visited by European explorers in the 1560's, were divided between Germany and Great Britain in the late 19th century. Australia assumed control of the northern islands in 1920. Today the northern Solomons are part of Papua New Guinea. The southern islands are an independent country.所罗门群岛:西太平洋中的一个群岛,位于新几内亚的东方。这是一个火山群岛,最初于16世纪60年代被欧洲的探险家涉足,在19世纪晚期由德国和大不列颠英国瓜分。1920年澳大利亚取得北部群岛的控制权。目前,北部所罗门群岛是巴布亚新几内亚的一部分。其南部群岛则为一个独立的国家
Solomon Islands 2NONE(无词性)- A country comprising the Solomon Islands southeast of Bougainville. A British protectorate after 1893, the islands achieved independence in 1978. Honiara, on Guadalcanal Island, is the capital. Population, 212,868.所罗门(群岛):由位于布干维尔岛东南部的所罗门群岛构成的岛国。1893年后成为英国的附属保护国,该群岛于1978年取得了独立。首都是位于瓜达尔卡纳尔岛上的霍尼亚拉。人口212,868