

单词 single
释义 sin·gle AHD[sĭngʹgəl] D.J.[ˈsɪŋgəl]K.K.[ˈsɪŋgəl]adj.(形容词)
    1. Not accompanied by another or others; solitary.单独的:没有另一个人或其它人陪伴的;孤单的
    1. Consisting of one part, aspect, or section:单一的:由一部分、一方面或一段组成的:a single thickness; a single serving.单层;一份
    2. Having the same application for all; uniform:一致的:对所有的都同样适用的;统一的:a single moral code for all.对所有人都适用的道德规范
    3. Consisting of one in number:唯一的:在数目上只有一个的:She had but a single thought, which was to escape.她现在只有一个想法,那就是逃跑
    1. Not divided; unbroken:没有分开的;完整的:a single slab of ice.一块冰
    1. Separate from others; individual and distinct:个别的:与别人分开的;个人的或特别的:Every single child will receive a gift.每一个孩子都会收到一份礼物
    2. Having individual opponents; involving two individuals only:一对一的:有各自对手的;只牵涉到两个人的:single combat.一对一的格斗
    1. Honest; undisguised:诚实的;不伪装的:a single adoration.真心的称赞
    2. Wholly attentive:一心一意的:You must judge the contest with a single eye.你必须专心作这场比赛的裁判
    1. Designed to accommodate one person:单人的:只用来安顿一个人的:a single bed.单人床
    1. Unmarried.单身的
    2. Lacking a partner:没有伴侣的:a single parent.单亲
    3. Relating to the unmarried state:单身的:与未婚状态有关的:enjoys the single life.喜欢单身生活
    4. Of or relating to celibacy.独身的:独身的或与独身有关的
    1. Botany Having only one rank or row of petals:【植物学】 单瓣的:只有一行或一排花瓣的:a single flower.单瓣花
    1. One that is separate and individual.单个:分开的,单独的人或物
    1. An accommodation for one person, as in a hotel.单人房间:供一个人起居的住处,比如在旅馆
    1. An unmarried person.单身者:没有结婚的人
    2. singles Unmarried persons considered as a group: singles 单身:末婚者的总称:a bar for singles.单身酒吧
    1. A one-dollar bill.一美元纸币
    1. A phonograph record, especially a forty-five, having one song on each side.单曲唱片:一种留声机唱片,尤指密纹唱片,每面只有一首歌
    1. Baseball A hit by which a batter reaches first base safely; a one-base hit.【棒球】 一垒打:击球手安全到达一垒的一击;一垒打
    1. Sports 【体育运动】
    1. A hit for one run in cricket.板球中一次击中
    2. A golf match between two players.双人高尔夫赛:在两名选手间进行的高尔夫球比赛
    3. Often singles A tennis or badminton match between two players. 常作 singles 单打:在两名选手间进行的网球或羽毛球比赛
v.(动词)sin.gled, sin.gling, sin.gles v.tr.(及物动词)
    1. To choose or distinguish from others. Often used without : 选中:选出或与别人区别开来。经常与out 连用: We singled her out from the list of applicants.使他从一垒进入二垒
    1. Baseball 【棒球】
    1. To cause (a base runner) to score or advance by making a one-base hit:击出一垒安打:用一垒打使(一次跑动)得分:singled him to second.把他推进到二垒
    2. To cause the scoring of (a run) by a one-base hit.得分:通过一垒安打使(一次跑动)得分
  1. To make a single.击出一垒打
    1. Middle English sengle 中古英语 sengle
    1. from Old French 源自 古法语
    1. from Latin singulus * see sem- 1源自 拉丁语 singulus * 参见 sem- 1
Related Forms继承用法sinʹgleness n.(名词)References参考词汇single, sole, unique, solitary, lone, separate
    1. These adjectives are compared as they signify being one in number.What issingle is not associated with, accompanied by, or combined with another or others: 这里比较的是这些形容词在表示数目时为一个的用法。Single 的事物是不与另一个或其它多个相联系、陪伴或结合: "means of destruction . . . in the employment of which no single nation can in fact have a monopoly" (Declaration on Atomic Energy).“毁灭手段…没有哪一个国家有使用它的垄断权” (《原子能宣言》)。
    1. Sole implies being the only one in existence or the only one under consideration: Sole 指唯一一个存在的或唯一一个给予考虑的: "The sole wall decoration of his studio was a Japanese print" (Arnold Bennett).“他画室中唯一的一面墙饰是一幅日本画的复制品” (阿诺德·贝奈特)。
    1. Unique in careful usage applies to what is the only one of its kind in existence: Unique 在比较认真地使用中含有这一类中唯一存在的一个意思: "The greatness of art is not to find what is common but what is unique" (Isaac Bashevis Singer).“艺术的伟大不是在于发现普通的事物,而是发现独一无二的东西” (艾萨克·巴什维斯·辛格)。
    1. Solitary refers to what stands alone: Solitary 指单独存在的: "A solitary precedent . . . which has never been reexamined, cannot be conclusive" (Henry Clay).“唯一的先例…从来没有重新审视过,不能起决定性的作用” (亨利·克莱)。
    1. Lone applies to what stands apart from others: Lone 指与别人分离: "It is the lone worker who makes the first advance in a subject: the details may be worked out by a team" (Alexander Fleming).“在一个课题中往往是一个孤独的工作者取得第一个突破:而细节可以让一群人去研究” (亚历山大·弗莱明)。
    1. Separate implies being single and disunited from all others under consideration: Separate 指单独的,与考虑中的所有其它事物分开的: "Each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor" (Edgar Allan Poe).每一点将熄的灰烬都把它的幽影投到地板上 (爱德加·爱伦·坡)




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