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scale 1 AHD[skāl] D.J.[skeɪl]K.K.[skel]n.(名词) scale1cone of a white pine- One of the many small, platelike dermal or epidermal structures that characteristically form the external covering of fishes, reptiles, and certain mammals.鳞:一种覆盖在鱼、爬行动物和某些哺乳动物体表的典型的小盘状表皮结构
- A similar part, such as one of the minute structures overlapping to form the covering on the wings of butterflies and moths.鳞状物:一种类似部位,如覆盖于蝴蝶或蛾子翅膀上形成覆盖物的微结构
- Pathology A dry, thin flake of epidermis shed from the skin.【病理学】 鳞屑:从皮肤上脱落下来的干薄表皮片
- A small, thin piece.小薄片
- Botany A small, thin, usually dry, often appressed plant structure, such as any of the protective leaves that cover a tree bud or the bract that subtends a flower in a sedge spikelet.【植物学】 鳞苞:一种小而薄的,通常是干的紧贴植物结构,如任一种覆盖树苞的保护性叶片或莎草属植物的小穗中包住花朵的苞片
- A scale insect.介壳虫
- A plant disease or infestation caused by scale insects.介壳虫害:由介壳虫引起的植物疾病或感染
- A flaky oxide film formed on a metal, as on iron, that has been heated to high temperatures.氧化层:给金属高温加热生成的片状氧化物,如铁上
- A flake of rust.锈迹
- A hard mineral coating that forms on the inside surface of boilers, kettles, and other containers in which water is repeatedly heated.锅垢:在锅、壶和其它盛水器皿中经反复加热后在容器内壁形成的硬矿物质层
v.(动词)scaled, scal.ing, scales v.tr.(及物动词)- To clear or strip of scale or scales:清除或斥去鳞片:Scale and clean the fish.将鱼除鳞洗净
- To remove in layers or scales:除去旧层:除去…积垢或表层:scaled off the old paint.除去旧油漆
- To cover with scales; encrust.覆以皮:以鳞覆盖;使生硬壳
- To throw (a thin, flat object) so that it soars through the air or skips along the surface of water.打水漂:掷(薄而平的物体)使其在空气中高飞或沿水面跳跃
- Dentistry To remove (tartar) from tooth surfaces with a pointed instrument.【牙科学】 除牙垢:用带尖工具除去牙齿表面的(污垢)
- Australian 【澳大利亚】
- To cheat; swindle.欺骗;诱骗
- To ride on (a tram or train, for example) without paying the fare.搭便车:不付钱便搭乘(如电车或火车)
v.intr.(不及物动词)- To come off in scales or layers; flake.剥落:成鳞片状脱落;剥落
- To become encrusted.生水垢:变成附有外皮的
- Middle English 中古英语
- from Old French escale 源自 古法语 escale
- [of Germanic origin] * see skel- 1[源于日耳曼语] * 参见 skel- 1
scaleʹlike adj.(形容词) scale 2 AHD[skāl] D.J.[skeɪl]K.K.[skel]n.(名词)abbr. sc.【缩写】- A system of ordered marks at fixed intervals used as a reference standard in measurement:刻度:一种用作测量标准的有固定间隔的符号系统:a ruler with scales in inches and centimeters.一把标有英寸和厘米刻度的尺子
- An instrument or device bearing such marks.刻度尺:标有这种标记的工具或装置
- A standard of measurement or judgment; a criterion.标准:测量或判断的标谁;标准
- A proportion used in determining the dimensional relationship of a representation to that which it represents:比例:用来规定一个标记与其所代表实物之间尺寸关系的比例数量:a world map with a scale of 1:4,560,000.一幅比例为1:4,560,000的世界地图
- A calibrated line, as on a map or an architectural plan, indicating such a proportion.比例尺:在地图或建筑上表示这种比例的标有刻度的线段
- Proper proportion:适当的比例:a house that seemed out of scale with its surroundings.与周围景致不相称的房子
- A progressive classification, as of size, amount, importance, or rank:等级:递增的级别,如尺寸、数量、重要性或军阶的等级:judging divers' performances on a scale of 1 to 10; a family that ranks high on the social scale.从1到10分等级判定跳水者的表演;社会地位高的家族
- A relative level or degree:规模:相对的水平或程度:entertained on a lavish scale.奢侈地游乐一番
- A minimum wage fixed by contract:最低薪资:合同规定的最低薪水:musicians playing a benefit concert for scale.拿低酬劳参与慈善音乐会的音乐家
- Mathematics A system of notation in which the values of numerical expressions are determined by their places relative to the chosen base of the system:【数学】 进位制:一种记数法,其数值由其与所选进位制的相对位置来决定:the decimal scale.十进位制
- Music An ascending or descending series of tones proceeding by a specified scheme of intervals and varying in pitch arrangement and interval size.【音乐】 音阶的升降:按一定间隔规律、音高变化和间隔大小形成的音调升降序列
v.(动词)scaled, scal.ing, scales v.tr.(及物动词)- To climb up or over; ascend:攀登:爬上或超越;攀登:scaled the peak.爬上顶峰
- To make in accord with a particular proportion or scale:按比例尺绘制:Scale the model to be one tenth of actual size.按实际尺寸的十分之一制作这个模型
- To alter according to a standard or by degrees; adjust in calculated amounts:调整:参照标准或度数改变;按计算量修正:scaled down their demands to fit reality; scaled back the scheduled pay increase.缩减需求以符合实际情况;收回原先预定加薪的决定
- To estimate or measure the quantity of lumber in (logs or uncut trees).估计:以(原木或未砍之树)估计或计算木材的数量
v.intr.(不及物动词)- To climb; ascend.爬;攀升
- To rise in steps or stages.成梯状或阶段增高
- Middle English 中古英语
- from Latin scālae [ladder] * see skand- 源自 拉丁语 scālae [梯子] * 参见 skand-
scalʹable adj.(形容词) scale 3 AHD[skāl] D.J.[skeɪl]K.K.[skel]n.(名词)- An instrument or a machine for weighing. Often used in the plural.称:一种用来衡量重量的工具或器械。常用作复数
- Either of the pans, trays, or dishes of a balance.秤盘:天平的秤盘、托盘或盆子
v.(动词)scaled, scal.ing, scales v.tr.(及物动词)- To weigh with scales.用秤称
v.intr.(不及物动词)- To have a given weight, as determined by a scale:重:经称量有(若干)重量:cargo that scales 14 metric tons.重14公吨的货物
- Middle English [bowl, balance] 中古英语 [碗,平衡]
- from Old Norse skāl * see skel- 1源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 skāl * 参见 skel- 1