

单词 Austin
释义 Austin 1 AHD[ôʹstən] D.J.[ˈɔːstən]K.K.[ˈɔstən]NONE(无词性)
  1. See Saint Augustine 2 参见 圣徒 Augustine2

Austin 2 AHD[ôʹstən, ŏsʹtən] D.J.[ˈɔːstən, ˈɒstən]K.K.[ˈɔstən, ˈɑstən]NONE(无词性)
    1. A city of southeast Minnesota near the Iowa border southwest of Rochester. It is a processing and manufacturing center. Population, 21,907.奥斯汀:美国明尼苏达州东南部一城市,位于罗切斯特西南衣阿华州边境附近。是一个加工业及制造业中心,人口21,907
    1. The capital of Texas, in the south-central part of the state. Austin was selected as the capital of the Republic of Texas in 1839 and became the permanent capital of the state of Texas in 1870. The main campus of the University of Texas (established 1881) is here. Population, 465,622.奥斯汀:美国得克萨斯州首府,位于该州中南部。该城于1839年被选为得克萨斯共和国首都,并于1870年成为该州永久性首府。得克萨斯大学(建于1881年)的主要校址即在此。人口465,622

AustinAlfred (1835-1913)NONE(无词性)
  1. British writer who became poet laureate in 1896 and wrote several volumes of poetry, includingThe Season (1861). 奥斯丁,艾尔弗雷德:(1835-1913) 英国作家,于1896年被授予桂冠诗人称号,著有几部诗集,包括《季节》 (1861年)

AustinJohn (1790-1859)NONE(无词性)
  1. British legal theorist who maintained that law is a form of command determined by power relationships and is therefore distinct from moral principles.奥斯丁,约翰:(1790-1859) 英国法学理论家,他坚持认为法律是由权力关系所决定的法令形式,因此与道德原则相区分

AustinMary Hunter (1868-1934)NONE(无词性)
  1. American writer known for her literary interest in the peoples and cultures of the Mojave Desert and for her ardent support of women's rights.奥斯丁,玛丽·亨特:(1868-1934) 美国作家,以其对莫哈韦沙漠的人民及其文化的文学兴趣和她对妇女权益的热切支持而闻名

AustinStephen Fuller (1793-1836)NONE(无词性)
  1. American colonizer and political leader who worked to make Texas a state of Mexico but later helped Texas settlers gain their independence (1836).奥斯丁,斯蒂芬·富勒:(1793-1836) 美国殖民主义者及政治领导,曾臻力于使得克萨斯成为墨西哥一州的工作,但随后又帮助得克萨斯居民取得独立(于1836年)




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