

单词 presume
释义 pre·sume AHD[prĭ-zo͞omʹ] D.J.[prɪˈzuːm]K.K.[prɪˈzum]v.(动词)pre.sumed, pre.sum.ing, pre.sumes v.tr.(及物动词)
    1. To take for granted as being true in the absence of proof to the contrary.推测,假定:在没有证据证明是相反的情况下想当然是正确的
    1. To give reasonable evidence for assuming; appear to prove.认定:为假设而给出合理的证据;似乎能证明
    1. To venture without authority or permission; dare:冒昧,擅自:没有权威或没得到允许就冒险地做;冒昧:He presumed to invite himself to dinner.他胆敢擅自前来吃饭
    1. To act overconfidently; take liberties.擅自行事:过分自信地行动;擅自行事
    1. To take unwarranted advantage of something; go beyond the proper limits:滥用,利用:非法地利用某物;超过适当界限:Don't presume on their hospitality.不要利用他们的热情好客
    1. To take for granted that something is true or factual; suppose:设想,相信:理所当然地认定某事是真的或确凿的;猜想:That's the new assistant, I presume.我想那就是新来的助理
    1. Middle English presumen 中古英语 presumen
    1. from Old French presumer 源自 古法语 presumer
    1. from Late Latin praesūmere 源自 后期拉丁语 praesūmere
    1. from Latin [to anticipate] 源自 拉丁语 [预料]
    1. prae- [pre-] prae- [前缀,表“在…之前”]
    1. sūmere [to take] * see em- sūmere [拿,取] * 参见 em-
Related Forms继承用法presumʹedly AHD[-zo͞oʹmĭd-lē] (副词)presumʹer n.(名词)References参考词汇presume, presuppose, postulate, posit, assume
    1. These verbs signify to take something for granted or as being a fact.Topresume is to suppose that something is reasonable, justifiable, sound, or possible in the absence of proof to the contrary: 这些动词都表示认为某事是理所当然的或认定某事是事实。Presume 是指在没有证据表明结果是相反的情况下认定某事是合理的,无可非议的,完美的或者是可能的: "I presume you're tired after the long ride" (Edith Wharton). “长途旅行后我想你肯定累了” (伊迪丝·华顿)。 We cannot presume the existence of life on other planets.我们不能推定其他行星上没有生物。
    1. Presuppose can mean merely to believe or suppose in advance;it can also mean to require as an antecedent condition: Presuppose 可仅指相信或预先假设;也可指要求有一个先决条件: It is unrealistic to presuppose a sophisticated knowledge of harmony and counterpoint in a beginning music student.要求一个初学的人具有和声学和对位法方面的知识是不现实的。The evolution of species presupposes a process of natural selection.生物演变是以自然选则的过程为前提的。
    1. Postulate andposit denote the assertion of the existence, reality, necessity, or truth of something, as something considered to be self-evident or axiomatic,as the basis for reasoning or argument: Postulate 和posit 意指对某事的存在、实现、需求或真相的断言, 如被认为是自明的或公理的某事,如作为推理和辩论的根据: "We can see individuals, but we can't see providence; we have to postulate it" (Aldous Huxley). “我们不得不认为我们可以看到个体却看不到远见;我们必须承认它” (阿尔道斯·赫胥黎)。 Historical linguists posit a common ancestor from which both Romance and Germanic languages descend. Toassume is to accept something as existing or being true without proof or on inconclusive grounds: 历史语言学家认为罗斯语系和德语语系由同一种语言演变而来。 Assume 是指在没有证据或不确定的情况下认为某事是存在的或是真实的: Why do you assume that I'm angry?为什么你会认为我在生气?"We must never assume that which is incapable of proof" (G.H. Lewes).“我们从不在没有证据证明的情况下假定某事” (G·H·路易斯)




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