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Marshall IslandsNONE(无词性) - A self-governing island group in the central Pacific Ocean. First sighted by Spanish explorers in the early 16th century, they were governed by Spain and Germany until 1920, when they became a Japanese mandate. From 1947 until 1979 they were part of the U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. In 1986 the islands became a republic. Population, 30,873.马绍尔群岛:太平洋中部的自治岛群。16世纪早期由西班牙探险家最先发现,先后被西班牙和德国统治,直到1920年成为日本托管地。从1947年到1979年一直为美国在太平洋群岛上的托管地的一部分。1986年群岛成立共和国。人口30,873