释义 |
make AHD[māk] D.J.[meɪk]K.K.[mek]v.(动词)made[mād] mak.ing, makes v.tr.(及物动词)- To cause to exist or happen; bring about; create:使存在,使发生:导致存在或发生;使发生;创造:made problems for him; making a commotion.为他制造问题;引发暴乱
- To bring into existence by shaping, modifying, or putting together material; construct:制成:用塑造、修改或把材料放在一块的方法导致存在;建造:make a dress; made a wall of stones.做衣服;砌石墙
- To form by assembling individuals or constituents:集成:把个体或成份组合而形成:make a quorum.达到法定人数
- To change from one form or function to another:使功能改变:把一种形式或功能转换成另外一种:make clay into bricks.把泥土制成砖块
- To cause to be or become:使成或变成:made her position clear; a decision that made him happy.使她的地位明朗化;此决定令他高兴
- To cause to assume a specified function or role:当做,当成:使具有一种特定的功能或成为某个角色:made her treasurer; made Chicago his home.视她为出纳员;把芝加哥当成他的家
- To cause to act in a specified manner:造成,导致:以特定的方式引起行动:Heat makes gases expand.热使得气体膨胀
- To compel:促使:made him leave.迫使他离开
- To form in the mind:在头脑中形成:make an estimate.做估算
- To compose:创作:make verses.创作诗歌
- To prepare; fix:准备;安排:make breakfast.准备早餐
- To get ready or set in order for use:准备使用:准备或料理好以便使用:made the bed.整理床铺
- To gather and light the materials for (a fire).生火:收集材料并点燃(生火)
- To engage in:从事:make war.开战
- To carry out; perform:执行;进行:make a telephone call; make an incision.打电话;切开
- To achieve, produce, or attain:实现,产生,达到:made peace between the two factions; not making sense; didn't make the quota.在两个派别之间实现和平;毫无意义;没有达到定额
- To institute or establish; enact:制订:制定或者建立;颁布:make laws.制定法律
- To draw up and execute in a suitable form:订立:以合适的形式拟定并实施:make a will.立遗嘱
- To arrive at; reach:到达;抵达:made Washington in two hours.在两小时内到达华盛顿
- To reach in time:及时赶上:just made the plane.刚好赶上飞机
- To attain the rank or position of:达到地位:达到某种职位或军衔:She made lieutenant.她的军衔为中尉
- To acquire a place in or on:组成,得到:获得一个位置:made the basketball team; made the morning papers.组成篮球队;收到早报了
- To gain or earn, as by working:赚到:通过工作赚得或获得:make money.赚钱
- To behave so as to acquire:使成为:为了获取而做某些行为:make friends.交朋友
- To score or achieve, as in a sport:得分:在体育比赛中得分或成功:made a field goal.射门得分
- To assure the success of:确保…的成功:A favorable review from him can make a play.他赞赏的评论能使这场戏成功
- To favor the development of:有利于…的发展:Practice makes a winning team.勤加训练必有助于球队获得胜利
- To be suited for:对…合适:Oak makes strong furniture.橡木合适做耐用家具
- To develop into:发展成为:She will make a fine doctor.她将会成为一个好医生
- To draw a conclusion as to the significance or nature of:下结论:作出对…的意义或本性的结论:don't know what to make of the decision.不知道怎样作决定
- To calculate as being; estimate:估计是;估算:I make the height 20 feet.我估计有20英尺高
- To consider as being:认为是:wasn't the problem some people made it.有些人不认为这是一个问题
- To constitute:构成:Twenty members make a quorum.二十个成员构成法定人数
- To add up to:等于:Two and two make four.二加二等于四
- To amount to:接近,相当于:makes no difference.没有什么区别
- To constitute the essence or nature of:架构:构成…的精华或本质:Clothes make the man.由穿着便可了解一个人
- To cause to be especially enjoyable or rewarding:使有意义:使成为特别有乐趣或值得的:You made my day.你使我的生活特别有意义
- To appear to begin (an action):准备:看上去开始(一个动作):She made to leave.她准备离开
- Slang To persuade to have sexual intercourse.【俚语】 性交:说服…发生性关系
v.intr.(不及物动词)- To act or behave in a specified manner:做:明确地做或行为:make merry; make free.快乐地做;自由地做
- To begin or appear to begin an action:准备做:开始或看上去开始一个动作:made as if to shake my hand.好象要和我握手
- To cause something to be as specified:确认:使某事物变得明确:make ready; make sure.准备好;确认
- To proceed in a certain direction:按某一方向前进:made for home; made after the thief.回家;追赶小偷
- Slang To pretend to be; imitate. Used withlike : 【俚语】 假扮;模仿。与like 连用: made like a ballerina.模仿芭蕾舞女演员
- To undergo fabrication or manufacture:生产:经编写或生产成为:This wool makes up into a warm shawl.这种羊毛织成了很暖和的围巾
- To rise or accumulate:上升或积聚:The tide is making.正在涨潮
n.(名词)- The act or process of making; manufacturing.制造:制作或生产的动作或过程;生产
- The style or manner in which a thing is made:制作样式:生产某事物的风格或方式:disliked the make of her coat.不喜欢她衣服的样式
- The amount produced, especially the output of a factory.生产量:生产的数量,特别是一座工厂的产量
- A specific line of manufactured goods, identified by the manufacturer's name or the registered trademark:牌子:产品特定的种类,以生产商的名字或者注册的商标来识别:a famous make of shirt.名牌衬衫
- The physical or moral nature of a person; character or disposition:性格:一个人的身体或精神上的本质;性格或者性情:found out what make of man he was.得知他是一个什么样的人
- Slang Identification of a person or thing, often from information in police records:【俚语】 档案:一个人或事物的身份,经常从警方记录的信息中得出:Did you get a make on the assailant?你得知有关攻击者的资料了吗?
make for - To have or cause to have a particular effect or result:造成,促成:有或促使有某种特定的效果或者结果的:small details that make for comfort.令人舒适的小节
- To help promote; further:帮助提升;推进:makes for better communication.促进更好的交流
make off - To depart in haste; run away.急忙离开;跑走
make out - To discern or see, especially with difficulty:辨明:辨明或看清,特别是在有困难的情况下:I could barely make out the traffic signs through the rain.在雨中我几乎看不清交通标志
- To understand:理解:could not make out what she was saying.不能理解她在说些什么
- To write out; draw up:写下来;列出:made out the invoices.开具发票
- To fill in (a form, for example).填写(如表格)
- Informal To imply or suggest:【非正式用语】 暗示,建议:You make me out to be a liar.你暗示我不要说谎
- Informal To try to establish or prove:【非正式用语】 试图建立或者证明:He made out that he was innocent.他试图证明自己是无辜的
- To get along in a given way; fare:进展:在给定的道路上前进;进展:made out well in business.在生意上进展顺利
- Slang 【俚语】
- To neck; pet.相互亲吻;抚爱
- To have sexual intercourse.发生性关系
make over - To redo; renovate.改装;革新
- To change or transfer the ownership of, usually by means of a legal document:转让:改变或者转移所有权,通常是通过法律文件的方式:made over the property to her son.把财产转到她儿子名下
make up - To put together; construct or compose:整理;建立或捏造:make up a prescription.开一个药方
- To constitute; form:构成;组成:One hundred years make up a century.一百年构成一个世纪
- To alter one's appearance for a role on the stage, as with a costume and cosmetics.化妆:为在舞台上的角色而改变某人的外表,例如用服装或化妆品
- To apply cosmetics.用化妆品化妆
- To devise as a fiction or falsehood; invent:捏造,编造:杜撰小说或谎话;捏造:made up an excuse.编造借口
- To make good (a deficit or lack):弥补:弥补(赤字或不足):made up the difference in the bill.弥补了帐单上的差额
- To compensate for:补偿:make up the lost time.补足失去的时间
- To resolve a quarrel:和好:平息一场争吵:kissed and made up.亲吻和好
- To make ingratiating or fawning overtures. Used withto : 献殷勤,巴结:提出献殷勤或讨好的建议。和to 连用: made up to his friend's boss.向他朋友的老板献殷勤
- To take (an examination or a course) again or at a later time because of previous absence or failure.补考,补课:因为以前缺席或不及格在一段时间后再考或再上课
- To set in order:整理,收拾:make up a room.把房间收拾好
- Printing To select and arrange material for:【印刷术】 排版,整版:made up the front page.为封面排版
make with 【俚语】 - To bring into use:使用:a flirt making with the eyes.用眼睛调情
- To put forth; produce:长出;制造:always making with the jokes.总是谈笑风声
make a clean breast of - To confess fully.坦白交待
make a face - To distort the features of the face; grimace.改变脸部的容貌;扮鬼脸
make a go of - To achieve success in:在…获得成功:have made a go of the business.生意上获得了成功
make away with - To carry off; steal.处理;偷
- To use up or consume.用光或消费
- To kill or destroy.杀死或破坏
make believe - To pretend.假装
make bold - To venture:冒险:I will not make so bold as to criticize such a distinguished scholar.我不会冒险去批评这么杰出的一位学者
make book【游戏】 - To accept bets on a race, game, or contest.在赛马、比赛或竞赛中接受赌注
make do - To manage to get along with the means available:用手头拥有的钱去勉强应付:had to make do on less income.不得不用较少的收入来应付
make ends meet - To manage so that one's means are sufficient for one's needs.收支平衡:设法使某人的财产和花费相抵
make eyes - To ogle.向…送秋波
make fun of - To mock; ridicule.嘲笑;嘲讽
make good - To carry out successfully:成功地实施:He made good his escape.他成功地逃脱了
- To fulfill:实现:She made good her promise.她实现了诺言
- To make compensation for; make up for:补偿;弥补:made good the loss.弥补损失
- To succeed:成功:made good as a writer.成为一个成功的作家
make hay - To turn to one's advantage:利用:使对某人有利:The candidate's opponents made hay of the scandal.候选人的竞争对手利用这次丑闻做了手脚
make it - Informal To be successful:【非正式用语】 成功:finally made it as an actor.最后成了一名成功的演员
- Slang To have sexual intercourse.【俚语】 发生性关系
make light of - To treat as unimportant:轻视;忽略:He made light of his illness.他忽视了自己的疾病
make love - To engage in amorous caressing.做爱抚的动作
- To engage in sexual intercourse.发生性关系
make much of - To treat as of great importance.重视对待
make no bones about - To be forthright and candid about; acknowledge freely:对…坦白或直爽;公开承认:They make no bones about their dislike for each other.他们毫不隐瞒彼此间的厌恶
make off with - To snatch or steal:夺走或偷走:made off with the profits.夺走了利润
make sail【航海】 - To begin a voyage.开始航行
- To set sail.张帆
make the grade - To measure up to a given standard.达到给定的标准
make the most of - To use to the greatest advantage.最大限度地利用
make the scene【俚语】 - To put in an appearance:出现:made the scene at the party.出现在聚会上
- To participate in a specified activity:参与具体的活动:made the drug scene.参与毒品活动
make time - To move or travel fast, as in an attempt to compensate for lost time.弥补时间:运动或走得更快以便弥补失去的时间
- Slang To make progress toward attracting:【俚语】 更加有吸引力:He tried to make time with the new neighbor.他试图获取新邻居的好感
make tracks【俚语】 - To move or leave in a hurry.匆忙走开或离去
make up (one's) mind - To decide between alternatives; come to a definite decision or opinion.作出选择;作出决定或提出意见
make waves【俚语】 - To cause a disturbance or controversy.引起混乱或争论
make way - To give room for passage; move aside.让路;走到一边
- To make progress.取得进步
on the make【俚语】 - Aggressively striving for financial or social improvement:拼命追求经济上或社会地位上的提高:a young executive on the make.追求进步的年轻经理
- Eagerly seeking a sexual partner.急切地追求伴侣
- Middle English maken 中古英语 maken
- from Old English macian * see mag- 源自 古英语 macian * 参见 mag-
makʹable adj.(形容词) |