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rough AHD[rŭf] D.J.[rʌf]K.K.[rʌf]adj.(形容词)rough.er, rough.est ![](/arts/A5rough.png) roughleft: rough jaderight: polished jade- Having a surface marked by irregularities, protuberances, or ridges; not smooth.不光滑的:表面不平整、隆起或突起的;不平滑的
- Coarse or shaggy to the touch:粗糙的,毛糙的:手感粗糙或毛绒绒的:a rough, scratchy blanket.一床扎人的粗毛毯子
- Difficult to travel over or through:崎岖的:难于行走或穿越的:the rough terrain of the highlands.高地上陡峭的地区
- Characterized by violent motion; turbulent:狂暴的:具有猛烈运动特征的;汹涌的:rough waters.汹涌的海浪
- Difficult to endure or live through, especially because of harsh or inclement weather:艰难的:尤指因恶劣或严寒的天气而难以忍受或活不下去的:a rough winter.严冬
- Unpleasant or difficult:不愉快,艰难的:had a rough time during the exam.考试期间很难熬
- Boisterous, unruly, uncouth, or rowdy:粗暴的:喧闹、不守秩序、粗野或吵嚷的:ran with a rough crowd.与一群粗暴的人为舞
- Lacking polish or finesse:粗鲁的,不雅的:rough manners.粗鲁无礼的态度
- Characterized by carelessness or force, as in manipulating:毛糙的:如在操作过程中不小心或用力的:broke the crystal through rough handling.因动作毛糙而将水晶制品打碎了
- Harsh to the ear:刺耳的:a rough, raspy sound.粗哑且不悦耳的声音
- Being in a natural state:处于自然状态的:rough diamonds.未经加工的钻石
- Not perfected, completed, or fully detailed:概略的:不完善、未完成或粗略的:a rough drawing; rough carpentry.草图;粗制的木器
n.(名词)- Rugged, overgrown terrain.高低不平且杂草丛生的地区
- Sports The part of a golf course left unmowed and uncultivated.【体育运动】 深草区:高尔夫球场上未刈和未经耕作的部分
- The difficult or disagreeable aspect, part, or side:艰难,苦难:艰难或不愉快的方面或部分:observed politics in the rough when working as an intern on Capitol Hill.在国会做实习生时看到了从事政治不愉快的一面
- Something in an unfinished or hastily worked-out state.粗制品:处于未完成或粗加工状态的东西
- A crude, unmannered person; a rowdy.粗人,莽汉;暴徒
v.tr.(及物动词)roughed, rough.ing, roughs - To treat roughly or with physical violence:对…粗暴:粗鲁地对待或用暴力对待:roughed up his opponent.用暴力对付对手
- Sports To treat (an opposing player) with unnecessary roughness during a sport or game:【体育运动】 粗暴的动作:体育运动或比赛中以不必要地粗暴动作对待(对方运动员):roughed the passer and was ejected from the game.对传球者动作粗暴而被逐出比赛
- To prepare or indicate in an unfinished form:草拟:草拟或画出轮廓:rough out a house plan.画出房子的草图
adv.(副词)- In a rough manner; roughly.粗暴地;粗野地
rough it - To live without the usual comforts and conveniences:因陋就简地生活:roughed it in a small hunting shack.在一间打猎的小棚屋里因陋就简地生活
- Middle English 中古英语
- from Old English rūh 源自 古英语 rūh
roughʹer n.(名词)roughʹly adv.(副词)roughʹness n.(名词)rough, harsh, jagged, rugged, scabrous, uneven- These adjectives apply to what is not smooth but has a coarse, irregular surface.这些形容词指不光滑、粗糙或不平整的表面。
- Rough describes something that to the sight or touch has inequalities,as projections or ridges: Rough 描述看起来或摸起来不平坦或不整齐的东西,如凸起物或隆起部分等: rough bark;粗糙的树皮;rough, chapped hands;粗糙龟裂的双手;a rough homespun fabric. Somethingharsh is unpleasantly rough, discordant, or grating: 家纺的粗布。 Harsh 描述令人感到不愉快地粗糙、不和谐、刺耳的物体: harsh burlap;粗糙的麻布袋;the harsh cry of a crow.刺耳的鸡啼声。
- Jagged refers to an edge or a surface with irregular projections and indentations: Jagged 指有不规则的凸起物或凹口的边缘或表面: a jagged piece of glass.一块锯齿状的玻璃。
- Rugged, which often refers to strength or endurance,especially in people,can also apply to land surfaces characterized by irregular,often steep rises and slopes: Rugged 常指强健或耐力,尤指人能吃苦耐劳的,也用于指地表高低不平,有陡峭的高地和斜坡: a rugged, rocky trail;崎岖不平且多岩石的小路;rugged countryside.多丘陵的乡村。
- Scabrous means rough and scaly to the tactile sense: Scabrous 指手感粗糙且多鳞的: a granular, scabrous spot on his cheek.他脸颊上粗糙的颗粒状斑点。
- Uneven describes lines or surfaces of which some parts are not level with others: Uneven 指有些部分不在同一个平面上的线条或表层: uneven ground;不平整的地面;uneven handwriting. See also Synonyms at rude 不整齐的笔迹 参见同义词 rude