

单词 intimidate
释义 in·tim·i·date AHD[ĭn-tĭmʹĭ-dāt'] D.J.[ɪnˈtɪmɪˌdeɪt]K.K.[ɪnˈtɪmɪˌdet]v.tr.(及物动词)in.tim.i.dat.ed, in.tim.i.dat.ing, in.tim.i.dates
    1. To make timid; fill with fear.恐吓:使胆怯;使害怕
    1. To coerce or inhibit by or as if by threats.威胁:通过威胁或近乎威胁强制或禁止
    1. Medieval Latin intimidāre intimidāt- 中世纪拉丁语 intimidāre intimidāt-
    1. Latin in- [in, into] * see in- 2拉丁语 in- [在,入] * 参见 in-2
    1. Medieval Latin timidāre [to be timorous, to frighten] from Latin timidus [timid] * see timid 中世纪拉丁语 timidāre [胆怯;吓唬] 源自 拉丁语 timidus [怯懦的] * 参见 timid
Related Forms继承用法intimʹidat'ingly adv.(副词)intim'idaʹtion n.(名词)intimʹida'tor n.(名词)References参考词汇intimidate, browbeat, bulldoze, cow, bully, bludgeon
    1. These verbs all mean to frighten into submission, compliance, or acquiescence.这些动词都表示通过吓唬使人屈服、顺从或默认。
    1. Intimidate implies the presence or operation of a fear-inspiring force that compels one to or keeps one from action: Intimidate 暗指迫使人行动或使人不再行动的令人害怕的力量的存在或运行: felt intimidated by his opponent's power and prestige.为他对手的权力和威望吓倒。"It [atomic energy] may intimidate the human race into bringing order into its international affairs, which, without the pressure of fear, it would not do" (Albert Einstein).“它〔原子能〕 可能胁迫人类有秩序地处理国际事务,而这在没有恐惧的压力下,是不可能实现的 (艾伯特·爱因斯坦)。
    1. Browbeat suggests the persistent application of highhanded, disdainful, or imperious tactics: Browbet 暗指持续不断地运用高压的、轻蔑的或傲慢的策略: refused to be browbeaten and insulted;拒绝被逼讯及被侮辱;browbeating a witness.逼迫目击者。
    1. Bulldoze connotes the leveling of all spirit of opposition, as through the use of threats: Bulldoze 意指通过使用威胁的手段调整所有敌对的态度: couldn't be bulldozed into hiring a less than acceptable candidate for the job.不可能因为威胁而雇用一个不太合意的候选人做这份工作。
    1. Cow implies treatment that brings about an abject state of timorousness and often demoralization: Cow 暗示引起畏惧并且通常是令人泄气的凄苦可怜的对待: submissive children can be cowed by a look of disapproval. Tobully is to intimidate through blustering, domineering, or threatening behavior: 唯唯诺诺的孩子会被非难的目光吓倒。 而bully 是指以恐吓的、盛气凌人的或威胁的举止恫吓: The strikers were bullied into dropping their demands.罢工者被迫放弃他们的要求。
    1. Bludgeon suggests the use of grossly aggressive or combative methods: Bludgeon 暗示使用粗俗挑衅的或好斗的手段: had to be bludgeoned into fulfilling his responsibilities. See also Synonyms at threaten 被迫恫吓以完成他的责任 参见同义词 threaten




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