

单词 Roman Empire
释义 Roman Empire Also called Rome AHD[rōm] D.J.[rəʊm]K.K.[rom]NONE(无词性)
  1. An empire that succeeded the Roman Republic during the time of Augustus, who ruled from 27b.c. to a.d. 14. At its greatest extent it encompassed territories stretching from Britain and Germany to North Africa and the Persian Gulf. After 395 it was split into the Byzantine Empire and the Western Roman Empire, which rapidly sank into anarchy under the onslaught of barbarian invaders from the north and east. The last emperor of the West, Romulus Augustulus (born c. 461), was deposed by Goths in 476, the traditional date for the end of the empire. 罗马帝国,罗马:在奥古斯都时期,从公元前 27年至 公元 14年继罗马共和国之后统治的帝国。它最强盛的时候包囊从不列颠、德国延伸至北非和波斯湾的广阔领域。公元395年后帝国分裂成拜占庭帝国和西罗马帝国,后在从北部和东部来的野蛮入侵者的进攻下陷入无政府状态。西罗马帝国的末代皇帝是罗穆卢斯·奥古斯图卢斯(生于公元461年),他于公元476年被哥特人废黜,传统上把该年作为帝国灭亡的日期




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