

单词 good
释义 good AHD[g‹d] abbr.缩写 gd.,G,G.D.J.[gʊd]K.K.[gʊd]adj.(形容词)bet.ter[bĕtʹər] best[bĕst]
    1. Being positive or desirable in nature; not bad or poor:好的,善良的,不坏的:本质上积极的或适当的;好的,不坏的:a good experience; good news from the hospital.美好的经历;医院传来好消息
    1. Having the qualities that are desirable or distinguishing in a particular thing:令人满意的:具有令人满意的,区别于特定事物的特点的:a good exterior paint; a good joke.令人耳目一新的风景画;有趣的玩笑
    2. Serving the desired purpose or end; suitable:适合预想目的的;合适的:Is this a good dress for the party?穿这件裙子去跳舞合适吗?
    1. Not spoiled or ruined:没有变质的;没有坏的:The milk is still good.这瓶牛奶还能喝
    2. In excellent condition; sound:保养很好的;健全的:a good tooth.健康的牙齿
    1. Superior to the average; satisfactory:优秀的;令人满意的:a good student.优秀的学生
    2. Used formerly to refer to the U.S. Government grade of meat higher than standard and lower than choice.肉类中的一级:以前用来指美国政府为猪肉制订的等级,高于标准级但低于精选级
    1. Of high quality:质量高的:good books.好书
    2. Discriminating:特征显著的:good taste.好的鉴赏力
    1. Worthy of respect; honorable:值得尊敬的;尊贵的:ruined the family's good name.沾污了家族的好名声
    1. Attractive; handsome:漂亮的;英俊的:good looks.美貌
    1. Beneficial to health; salutary:有益于身心健康的;有益的:a good night's rest.有益健康的夜间休息
    1. Competent; skilled:称职的;有技巧的:a good machinist.熟练的机械师
    1. Complete; thorough:完全的;彻底的:a good workout.完整的训练
    1. Reliable; sure:可靠的;有把握的:a good investment.可靠的投资
    2. Valid or true:确凿的;正确的:a good reason.正当的理由
    3. Genuine; real:真的;真实的:a good dollar bill.真的美元纸币
    1. In effect; operative:有效的:a warranty good for two years; a driver's license that is still good.两年有效的保证;驾驶执照仍然有效
    2. Able to continue in a specified activity:可以继续的:在特定的活动中还能继续的:I'm good for another round of golf.我能再打一局高尔夫球
    1. Able to pay or contribute:能偿还的,付得起的:Is she good for the money that you lent her?她能把你借给她的钱还给你吗?
    2. Able to elicit a specified reaction:能使人作出一定反应的:He is always good for a laugh.他总是逗人发笑
    1. Ample; substantial:富裕的;有财产的:a good income.高收入
    2. Bountiful:丰盛的:a good table.丰盛的一餐
    1. Full:恰好的:It is a good mile from here.离这里恰好一英里
    1. Pleasant; enjoyable:愉快的;快乐的:had a good time at the party.在聚会上玩得很愉快
    2. Propitious; favorable:吉利的;良好的:good weather; a good omen.好天气;吉兆
    1. Of moral excellence; upright:品行极佳的;正直的:a good person.正直的人
    2. Benevolent; kind:仁慈的;善良的:a good soul; a good heart.善良的人;慈悲心肠
    3. Loyal; staunch:忠诚的;忠心的:a good Republican.忠诚的共和党员
    1. Well-behaved; obedient:行为规矩的;听话的:a good child.懂规矩的孩子
    2. Socially correct; proper:社交上被认同的:good manners.举止规范
    1. Sports Having landed within bounds or within a particular area of a court:【体育运动】 场内球的:落在线内或球场的适当区域的:The first serve was wide, but the second was good.第一球发得太远了,第二球发得刚刚好
    1. Used to form exclamatory phrases expressing surprise or dismay:用作感叹词以表达惊讶或沮丧:Good heavens! Good grief!天啊!真可悲啊!
    1. Something that is good.好的东西
    2. A good, valuable, or useful part or aspect.长处,优点:好的、有价值的、有用的部分或方面
    1. Welfare; benefit:福利;利益:for the common good.为了共同的利益
    1. Goodness; virtue:善良;美德:There is much good to be found in people.在别人身上能发现许多美德
    1. goods goods
    1. Commodities; wares:商品;货品:frozen goods.冷冻商品
    2. Portable personal property.个人动产
    3. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)Fabric; material.(与单数或复数动词连用)布料;材料
    1. goods Slang Incriminating information or evidence: goods 【俚语】 罪证:作恶的迹象或证据:tried to get the goods on the crook.设法得到犯罪者的罪证
  1. Well.好地,顺利地
Idioms习惯用语as good as
  1. Practically; nearly:几乎;差不多:as good as new.几乎是新的
for good
  1. Permanently; forever:永久地;永远地:I'm moving to Europe for good.我将永久移居欧洲
good and
  1. Informal Very; thoroughly:【非正式用语】 完全地;彻底地:I'll do it when I'm good and ready.当一切条件俱备时,我将做这件事
no good【非正式用语】
    1. Worthless.无价值的
    1. Futile; useless:没用的;徒劳的:It's no good arguing with them.跟他们吵嘴毫无用处
to the good
    1. For the best; advantageous.有好处的;有利的
    1. In an advantageous financial position:净赚:处于有益的金融位置的:ended up to the good.以净赚结束
    1. Middle English 中古英语
    1. from Old English gōd * see ghedh- 源自 古英语 gōd * 参见 ghedh-
Usage Note用法
    1. Good is properly used as an adjective with linking verbs such asbe, seem, or appear: Good 应该作为形容词与连系动词一起用, 如beseemappearThe future looks good.未来一片坦途。The soup tastes good. 汤的味道不错。
    1. It should not be used as an adverb with other verbs: 它不能用作副词来修饰动词: The car runs well (not good ). 汽车行驶正常(不是 good )。
    1. Thus,The dress fits well and looks good. See Usage Note at well 2因此裙子很合身,看起来不错 参见 well2




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