

单词 go
释义 go 1 AHD[gō] D.J.[gəʊ]K.K.[go]v.(动词)went[wĕnt] gone[gôn, gŏn] go.ing, goes[gōz] v.intr.(不及物动词)
    1. To move or travel; proceed:移动,行走;前进:We will go by bus. Solicitors went from door to door seeking donations. How fast can the boat go?我们将坐公共汽车去。募捐者挨户筹募钱款。这条船行驶的速度有多快?
    1. To move away from a place; depart:离去:离开某地;离开:Go before I cry.我哭之前离开
    1. To pursue a certain course:传送,经由:按某一程序方式进行:messages that go through diplomatic channels to the ambassador.通过外交渠道传达给大使的消息
    2. To resort to another, as for aid:求助于:went directly to the voters of her district.See Synonyms at resort 直接求助于她选区的选民 参见 resort
    1. To extend between two points or in a certain direction; run:通到:在两点间伸展或沿某一方向展开;延展:curtains that go from the ceiling to the floor.窗帘从天花板一直垂到地板上
    2. To give entry; lead:进入;导向:a stairway that goes to the basement.通到地下室的楼梯
    1. To function properly:工作正常,运行良好:The car won't go.车子坏了
    1. To have currency.流通,通行
    2. To pass from one person to another; circulate:传播:从一个人向另一人传达;交流:Wild rumors were going around the office.恶语在办公室传播着
    1. To pass as the result of a sale:卖给,出售给:The gold watch went to the highest bidder.那只金表卖给了出价最高的买主
    1. Informal Used as an intensifier when joined byand to a coordinate verb: 【非正式用语】 强调语气:用and 连结与动词并列使用,用作加强语势: She went and complained to Personnel.她去向人事局抱怨
    1. Used in the progressive tense with an infinitive to indicate future intent or expectation:将要,打算:用于进行时与不定式连用,表示将来的打算,期望:I am going to learn how to dance.我打算学跳舞
    1. To be in a certain condition.处于…状态:处于某一特定状态
    2. To come to be in a certain condition:变为:开始变为某特定状态:go mad; hair that had gone gray.疯了;变灰白的头发
    3. To continue to be in a certain condition or continue an activity:持续处于某特定状态或保持某种活动:go barefoot all summer.整个夏天都光着脚
    4. To carry out an action to a certain point or extent:把某一活动执行到某一程度:Your parents went to great expense to put you through college.你父母花费大量的钱供你完成大学
    1. To be customarily located; belong:归属:习惯上放于;属于:The fork goes to the left of the plate. Where do the plates go?叉习惯上放置在盘左边。盘子放在哪里?
    2. To be capable of entering or fitting:能装入,容纳:Will the suitcase go into the trunk of your car?这个衣箱能放在车架上吗?
    1. To pass into someone's possession:遗留给,由…继承给:All the jewelry went to her heirs.所有的珠宝都由她的继承人所有
    2. To be allotted:拨给:How much of your salary goes for rent?您的薪水有多少是用来付房租的?
    1. To be a contributing factor:表明:作为一个有用的因素:It all goes to show us that the project can be completed on time.它向我们显示这个计划可准时完成
    1. To have a particular form:如…所说:具有某一特定形式:as the saying goes.正如谚语所说
    2. To be such, by and large:大体如此:well behaved, as big dogs go.做得不错,像个大人那样
    1. To pass by; elapse:消逝;逝去:The day went pleasantly enough until I received your call.接到你的电话前,我过了愉快的一天
    2. To be used up.用光,消耗完
    3. To be discarded or abolished:放弃,除掉:All luxuries will have to go.必须放弃一切奢侈行为
    1. To become weak; fail:衰弱;衰退:His hearing has started to go.他的听力开始衰退
    2. To come apart; break up.分离;中断
    1. To cease living; die.死亡;消逝
    1. To get along; fare:进展;处境:How are things going?情况如何?
    2. To have a successful outcome:取得好的结果:creativity that made the advertising campaign really go.使广告获得成功的创造力
    1. To be suitable or appropriate as an accessory or accompaniment:适合,相配:适合或适当作小配件或附属物:a color that goes beautifully with your complexion.与你的肤色很相称的色彩
    1. To have authority:有权威,有效力:Whatever I say goes.我说什么就是什么
    2. To be valid, acceptable, or adequate.有效,可接受,足够
    1. Informal To excrete waste from the bladder or bowels.【非正式用语】 排泄:从膀胱或肠中排泄废物
    1. Informal To begin an act:【非正式用语】 开始:开始某一行动:Here goes!现在开始!
    1. Obsolete To walk.【废语】 走
    1. To proceed or move according to:按…前进,行动:I was free to go my own way.我可自行决定
    1. To traverse:横过:Only two of the runners went the entire distance.只有两位跑步者跑完全程
    1. Informal 【非正式用语】
    1. To bet:赌,下赌注:go $20 on the black horse.给黑马下二十美元赌注
    2. To bid:出价,叫价:I'll go $500 on the vase.这个花瓶我出价五百美元
    1. Informal 【非正式用语】
    1. To take on the responsibility or obligation for:对…承担责任,为…担保:go bail for a client.保释一位委托人
    2. To participate to (a given extent):分担:参加到(某种程度):Will you go halves with me if we win the lottery?如果我们中彩,你愿意分我一半吗?
    1. To amount to; weigh:重达;称重:a shark that went 400 pounds.重四百英磅的鲨鱼
    1. Informal To enjoy:【非正式用语】 享受:I could go a cold beer right now.我可马上享受一杯冷啤酒
    1. Usage Problem To say. Used chiefly in verbal narration:【用法疑难】 说:说,主要用于动作陈述:First I go, "Thank you,” then he goes, "What for?”我首先说:“谢谢,”他接着问,“为什么要谢我?”
n.(名词)pl. goes 【复数】
    1. The act or an instance of going.走,前进:走的行为或事例
    1. An attempt; an effort:尝试;努力:had a go at acting.尝试采取行动
    1. The time or period of an activity.活动时间或期间
    1. Informal Energy; vitality:【非正式用语】 能量;活力:had lots of go.精力充沛
    1. Informal 【非正式用语】
    1. The go-ahead.前进
    2. Often Go The starting point: 常作 Go 起点:"And from Go there was something deliciously illicit about the whole affair"(Erica Abeel)“从一开始,整个事情就有点不合法”(埃丽卡·阿比尔)
    3. Informal A situation in which planned operations can be effectuated:【非正式用语】 成功:可实现某一计划行动的条件:The space mission is a go.这次太空任务是十分成功
  1. Informal Functioning correctly and ready for action:【非正式用语】 运行正常,准备就绪:All systems are go.所有系统都运行良好
Phrasal Verbs常用词组go about
  1. To set about to do; undertake:着手做;承担:Go about your chores in a responsible way.请以负责的态度去做你的工作
go along
  1. To cooperate:合作,配合:They get along by going along.通过合作他们相处很好
go around
    1. To satisfy a demand or requirement:满足需求:满足需要或需求:just enough food to go around.有足够食物来满足需求
    1. To go here and there; move from place to place.走动:四处走动;从一处走到另一处
    1. To have currency:传扬,传播:rumors going around.流言四播
go at
    1. To attack, especially with energy.进攻:尤指奋力攻击
    1. To approach; undertake:做;执行:He went at the job with a lot of energy.他工作卖力
go by
    1. To elapse; pass:消失;经过:as time goes by.随时光流逝
    1. To pay a short visit:短期访问,拜访:My parents were away when we went by last week.上周去看望我的父母,他们不在家
go down
    1. To drop below the horizon; set:落到地平线下;下落:The sun went down.太阳落山了
    2. To fall to the ground:坠落:The helicopter went down in a ball of fire.直升机在一团火球中坠落
    3. To sink:沉没:The torpedoed battleship went down.被鱼雷击中的战船沉没了
    4. To experience defeat or ruin.失败,毁灭:体验失败或毁灭
    1. To admit of easy swallowing:易吞咽:a cough syrup that goes down readily.治咳的糖浆容易下咽
    1. Chiefly British To leave a university.【多用于英国】 离开大学
    1. Slang To occur; happen:【俚语】 发生;恰巧发生:"a collection of memorable pieces about the general craziness that was going down in those days"(James Atlas)“许多发生在那时的狂热而值得怀念的琐忆”(詹姆斯·阿特拉斯)
    1. To be accepted or tolerated:被接受,承认:How will your ideas go down as far as corporate marketing is concerned?就共同的商品销售来说,你个人的想法怎么会被接受呢?
    2. To come to be remembered in posterity:被载入:被后人所记住:a debate that will go down as a turning point in the campaign.这次争辩将被作为运动的转折点而被后人铭记
go for
    1. Informal To have a special liking for:【非正式用语】 爱好:对…有特别喜欢:I really go for progressive jazz.我十分爱好渐进式爵士乐
    1. To attack:攻击:an opponent who is known to go for the jugular in arguments.在辩论中以犀利有力而有名的对手
    1. To pass for or serve as:用作:a couch that also goes for a bed.一个可用作床的长沙发
go in
    1. To take part in a cooperative venture:合伙,加入:加入共同的冒险:went in with the others to buy a present.同别人一起买礼物
    1. To make an approach, as before an attack:接近:前进,接近,如攻击前:Troops went in at dawn.军队在拂晓向敌人摸近
go off
    1. To undergo detonation; explode.爆炸:经历爆破;爆炸
    1. To make a noise; sound:响起:发出声音;叫响:The siren went off at noon.警笛在正午鸣响
    1. To leave:离开:Don't go off mad.不要急于离开
    1. Informal To adhere to the expected course of events or the expected plan:【非正式用语】 进行:按期望的方式进行:The project went off smoothly.计划进展顺利
go on
    1. To take place; happen:发生;恰巧发生:didn't know what was going on.不知道发生了什么事
    1. To continue:继续:Life must go on.生命在延续
    2. To keep on doing (something):继续,保持(做某事):Don't go on talking.不要继续讲了
    3. To proceed:继续进行:She went on to become a senator.她继续担任参议员
    1. Informal To talk volubly:【非正式用语】 滔滔不绝地讲:My, you do go on.哎呀,你真健谈
go out
    1. To become extinguished.灭掉,熄灭
    1. To go outdoors; leave one's residence:出门;外出:He went out at seven.他在七点钟出门了
    2. To take part in social life outside the home:参加社交活动:出门参加社交活动:goes out a lot.常外出参加社交活动
    1. To become unfashionable:过时:变得不流行,不时髦:High boots went out last year.去年高筒靴就不流行了
    1. To undergo structural collapse:倒塌:倒塌,结构性坏掉:The bridge went out.这座桥断了
go over
    1. To gain acceptance or approval:受欢迎:获得接受,受欢迎:a new style that didn't go over.不受欢迎的新样式
    1. To examine:检查:go over the test scores.检查考试成绩
go through
    1. To examine carefully:仔细检查:went through the students' papers.仔细检查学生的论文
    1. To experience:经历:We went through hell while working on this project.执行这一计划时我们经历了许多困难
    1. To perform:表演,演奏:I went through the sonata in 30 minutes.我们用三十分钟演完了这个奏鸣曲
go under
    1. To suffer defeat or destruction; fail.失败:失败,遭受毁灭;未达成
    1. To lose consciousness.晕迷:失去知觉
go up
  1. Chiefly British To go to a university.【多用于英国】 上大学
go with
  1. To date regularly.固定地约会
Idioms习惯用语go all the way
  1. To engage in sex.性交
go back on
  1. To fail to honor or keep:失信,不守承诺:go back on a promise.不守诺言
go begging
  1. To be in little or no demand:很少或没有需求:"Prestige or no prestige, directors' jobs at some companies have actually gone begging"(Bill Powell)“不管是有声望还是无声望,在一些公司主管的工作实际上毫无用处”(比尔·鲍威尔)
go belly up【非正式用语】
  1. To undergo total financial failure:彻底经济破产:"A record number of . . . banks went belly up"(New Republic)“银行的破产数目简直创纪录了”(新共和国)
go bust【非正式用语】
  1. To undergo financial collapse:经受财政崩溃:"Railroads were in the news mainly when they were going bust"(Christian Science Monitor)“大多只有当铁路运输陷入崩溃时,他们才会上新闻。”(基督教科学箴言报)
go by the board
  1. To be discarded or ignored:遗弃,遗忘,忽视:old dress codes that have now gone by the board.现已过时的旧服饰式样
go down on【粗俗用语】 【俚语】
  1. To perform oral sex on.与…口交(性)
go down the line
  1. To provide strong support.强有力地支持
go fly a kite【非正式用语】
  1. To cease being an annoyance. Often used in the imperative.停止扰乱,常用于祈使语气
go for broke【非正式用语】
  1. To commit or expend all of one's available resources toward achievement of a goal:全力以赴:竭尽全力以达到某一目的:"Why not go for broke and take on somebody who is quite young and see what he does?”(Roger L. Stevens)“为何不竭尽全力找一个年轻人,看他怎么做?”(罗杰L.史蒂文斯)
go for it【非正式用语】
  1. To expend all one's strength and resources toward achievement of an end or purpose.大胆尝试:全力以赴且竭尽全力以达到某一目标或目的
go in for
    1. To have interest in:对…感兴趣:goes in for classical music.对古典音乐感兴趣
    1. To take part in:参加,从事:goes in for water skiing.参加划水运动
go it alone
  1. To undertake a project, trip, or responsibility without the presence or help of others.单干:没有别人帮助独立做或承担某一计划、旅行或责任
go off the deep end
  1. To behave hysterically or very recklessly.十分粗心或忽视地行动
go one better
  1. To surpass or outdo by one degree:超过:比…高一级,超过:He's gone me one better.他要胜过我一筹
go out for
  1. To seek to become a participant in:竞选成为:努力成为其中一员:go out for varsity soccer.竞选加入大学足球代表队
go out of (one's) way
  1. To inconvenience oneself in doing something beyond what is required.做超出所要求的范围内的事从而使自己不舒服
go out the window【非正式用语】
  1. To become insignificant or inoperative:失常:变得不重要或不合作,不正常:"As soon as a third body is introduced to the Newtonian system, all lawful ordering of processes goes out the window"(Fusion)“第三体一被引入牛顿学说系统,所有合法的程序都失常”(融合)
go places【非正式用语】
  1. To be on the way to success:有望成功:a young executive who is clearly going places.一个十分有望成功的年轻主管
go steady
  1. To date someone exclusively.固定与某人约会
go the distance
  1. To carry a course of action through to completion.执行一系列活动直至完成
go the vole
  1. To risk all of one's resources in the prospect of achieving great gains.冒险下赌:冒险把自己全部所有赌于某物以获取成功
go to pieces
    1. To lose one's self-control.崩溃:失去自我控制能力
    1. To suffer the loss of one's health.摧残:在健康方面受摧残
go to the mat【非正式用语】
  1. To fight or dispute until one side or another is victorious:不见输赢不罢手:战斗或辩论直至一方胜利为止:The governor will go to the mat with the legislature over the controversial spending bill.总督将就有争议的开支法案同立法机关辩论到底
go to town【非正式用语】
    1. To work or perform efficiently and rapidly.高效率工作:工作或行动效率高或敏捷
    1. To be highly successful.获得巨大成功
go up in flames go up in smoke
  1. To be utterly destroyed.彻底摧毁、破坏
go without saying
  1. To be self-evident:不言自明,自不待言:It goes without saying that success is the product of hard work.成功来于勤奋,这个道理不言自明
on the go
  1. Constantly busy or active.忙碌的:忙个不停的,不断处于活动中
to go
  1. To be taken out, as restaurant food or drink:可带出去的:可带出去,如餐馆里的食品或饮料:coffee and doughnuts to go.可带出去的咖啡和当纳圈
    1. Middle English gon 中古英语 gon
    1. from Old English gān * see ghē- 源自 古英语 gān * 参见 ghē-
Usage Note用法
  1. Go has long been used to describe the production of nonlinguistic noises, as inThe train went "toot.” The cow goes "moo.” In recent years, however,younger speakers have extended this use ofgo to the report of speech, as inThen he goes, "You think you're real smart, don't you.” For speakers young enough to get away with it,this usage serves a useful purpose in informal spoken narrative as an explicit indicator of a direct quotation, particularly when the speaker wishes to mimic the accent or intonation of the original spoken source.Largely restricted to the "narrative present" used in vivid description,it is highly inappropriate in formal speech or writing.Go 很久以来用来描述非语言学上的发声, 如在火车发出突突声, 牛“哞哞”地叫。 然而,近些年来,年轻的演讲者把go 的这一用法运用到演讲报告中去了, 如在接着他说道,你认为你 的确 聪明,是吗? 。 由于年轻人太年轻了而被人们忽视了这一误用,这一用法在非正式口语中作为直接引语的明显的指示词起到十分有益的作用,尤其在说话者想模仿原口语材料的重音或语调时,这一作用更明显。主要用于生动形象的“描述”里,限于陈述句现在时中,在正式的演讲或书面语中十分不适用

go 2 AHD[gō] D.J.[gəʊ]K.K.[go]n.Games(名词)【游戏】
  1. A Japanese game for two, played with counters on a board that is ruled with 19 vertical and 19 horizontal lines.围棋:日本的一种两人棋戏,用棋子在一横竖皆有十九条交叉线的棋盘上下
  1. Japanese 日语




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