

单词 foolish
释义 fool·ish AHD[fo͞o′lĭsh] D.J.[ˈfuːlɪʃ]K.K.[ˈfulɪʃ]adj.(形容词)
    1. Lacking or exhibiting a lack of good sense or judgment; silly:愚蠢的:缺乏或显示良好感觉或判断的缺陷的;傻的:foolish remarks.愚蠢的评论
    1. Resulting from stupidity or misinformation; unwise:不明智的:由糊涂或错误信息引起的;不明智的:a foolish decision.不明智的决定
    1. Arousing laughter; absurd or ridiculous:荒谬的:引起笑声的;荒唐的或滑稽的:a foolish grin.滑稽的咧嘴
    1. Immoderate or stubborn; unreasonable:无节制的或固执的;不理性的:foolish pride; foolish love.过度自豪;不理智的爱
    1. Embarrassed; abashed:尴尬的;琐碎的:I feel foolish telling you this.对你讲这些我感到尴尬
    1. Insignificant; trivial:不重要的;微不足道的:spent all their money on foolish little knickknacks.把钱全花在了没用的小摆设上了
Related Forms继承用法foolʹishly adv.(副词)foolʹishness n.(名词)References参考词汇foolish, silly, fatuous, absurd, preposterous, ridiculous, ludicrous
    1. These adjectives are applied to what is so devoid of wisdom or good sense as to be laughable.这些形容词表示令人可笑地缺少智慧或缺乏常识。
    1. Foolish, the least emphatic and derogatory,usually implies poor judgment or lack of wisdom or soundness: Foolish, 强烈程度及贬低程度最轻,常暗指较低的评价或缺乏智慧及正确判断力: a foolish young fellow;愚笨的年轻人;a foolish expenditure of time and energy.时间及精力不合理的使用。
    1. Silly suggests lack of point or purpose: Silly 暗指无意义或无目的: a silly argument;无意义的争论;silly mistakes;愚蠢的错误;suggestions that aren't brilliant but aren't silly either.建议虽不高明但也不是无的放失,
    1. Fatuous applies especially to what is foolish in a vacuous, smug, and unconscious way: Fatuous 尤其指内容贫乏的、自满的和无意识意义上的愚蠢的东西: seems to take pride in making fatuous remarks.看起来非常得意地说这些愚蠢的话。
    1. Absurd, preposterous, ridiculous, andludicrous apply to what is risible because of a departure from reason, logic, or common sense: Absurd,preposterous,ridiculous 和ludicrous 用在因没有道理、不合逻辑或没有常识而让人感到可笑的地方: It would be absurd for us both to drive, since we're headed for the same destination.既然我们要去的是同一个地方,那么我们俩人都开车是荒谬的。
    1. Preposterous describes what is contrary to reason or sense: Preposterous 指的是与有理的或理智的相反的东西: "It would be preposterous to take so grave a step on the advice of an enemy" (J.A. Froude).“听从敌人的意见采取这一重要步骤太愚蠢了” (J.A.弗鲁德)。
    1. Ridiculous refers to what inspires ridicule: Ridiculous 指可笑的东西: "Clara's conceited assumption of a universal interest in her dull children was ridiculous" (Arnold Bennett).“克拉尔自负地认为人们都十分喜欢她的几个死板的孩子真是可笑” (阿诺德·贝内特)。
    1. Ludicrous applies to what causes scornful laughter: Ludicrous 指引起讥笑的事: It is ludicrous to call a simple split-level house a mansion. 把一座简朴的错层式的房子叫做大厦真太可笑了




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