

单词 door
释义 door n 1 (a) movable barrier that closes the entrance to a building, room, cupboard, car, etc 门     hinged/sliding/revolving doors 有铰链的门[拉门/旋转门]     hammer on the door 砰砰地敲门     open, shut, close, lock, bolt the door 开、 关、 闭、 锁、 栓门     the front/back door, ie main door at the front/back of a house 前[後]门     a four-door saloon car 四门轿车. =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, pages vi, xii. (b) = doorway. 2 (idm 习语) at death´s door => death. behind closed doors => close4. by/through the back door => back2. darken sb´s door => darken. (from) ,door to `door (from) house to house 从一家门口到另一家门口     The journey takes about an hour, door to door. 从这家到那家的路程要用一小时.     He went from door to door, selling encyclopaedias. 他逐门逐户去推销百科全书.     [attrib 作定语] a ,door-to-door `salesman 挨户推销的售货员. the door to sth the means of getting or reaching sth 获得或达到某事物的门路或手段     Our courses are the door to success in English. 我们的课程是学习英语的成功之路. a foot in the door => foot1. keep the wolf from the door => wolf. lay sth at sb´s `door say that sb is responsible for sth that has gone wrong 归咎於某人     The blame for the disaster has been laid firmly at the company´s door. 这场大祸罪责全在公司. leave the door open => leave1. lie at sb´s door => lie2. lock, etc the stable door after the horse has bolted => stable2. next `door (to sb/sth) in the next building, room, etc 邻居; 隔壁; 邻室     go next door to borrow some milk 到邻居家借点牛奶     They live next door to the library. 他们住在图书馆隔壁. next door to nearly; almost 几乎; 近乎; 差不多     I´m afraid it´s next door to impossible that we´ll be there on time. 看来我们几乎不可能按时到达那里了. (be) on the `door (infml 口) (at a public meeting, concert, etc) (stand) at the door, eg to collect tickets, give directions, etc (为公众集会、 音乐会等)把门(如收票、 指引方向等). out of `doors in the open air 在户外; 在露天     eat, sleep, walk, etc out of doors 在户外吃、 睡、 散步等. show sb the door; show sb to the door => show2. shut/slam the door in sb´s face refuse to talk to or have any dealing with sb 拒绝与某人谈话; 拒绝与某人打交道. shut the door on sth => shut. two, three, etc doors a`long `down in the next house but one, two, etc 在第二、 第三...家     Our other branch is just a few doors down the road. 沿这条路再走几家就是我们的另一个分店.




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