

单词 do
释义 do aux v (neg 否定式 do not, contracted form 缩约式 don´t; 3rd pers sing pres t does, neg 否定式 does not, contracted form 缩约式 doesn´t; pt did, neg 否定式 did not, contracted form 缩约式 didn´t; pp done) 1 (a) (used in front of a full v to form negative sentences and questions 用於实动词之前以构成否定句及疑问句)     I don´t like fish. 我不喜欢鱼.     They didn´t go to Paris. 他们没去巴黎.     Don´t forget to write. 别忘了写信.     Does she speak French? 她会说法语吗?     Do you believe him? 你相信他吗?     Did they take you home? 是他们把你送到家的吗? (b) (used to make tag questions 用以构成附加问句)     You live in London, don´t you? 你住在伦敦, 是吗?     He married his boss´s daughter, didn´t he? 他娶了老板的女儿, 是吗?     She doesn´t work here, does she? 她不在此地工作, 是吗? 2 (used when no other aux v is present to emphasize that a verb is positive 用於句中无其他助动词时, 以加强动词的肯定语气)     He `does look tired. 他确实显得很疲倦.     She `did write to say thank you. 她的确写信向你道谢了.     Do shut up! 住口! * Do say you´ll stay for supper! 务必吃完晚饭再走! 3 (used to reverse the order of the subject and v when an adv or adverbial phrase is moved to the front 当副词或副词词组移置到句首时, 用以改变主语和动词的语序)     Not only does she speak Spanish, (but) she also knows how to type. 她不但会说西班牙语, 还会打字呢.     (fml 文) So much did they eat that they could not move for the next hour. 他们吃得太多了, 一个小时都动弹不得.     (fml 文) Rarely did she request help but this was a matter of urgency. 她很少求助於人, 这事却是十分紧急. 4 (used to avoid repetition of a full v 用以代替实动词, 避免重复)     He drives faster than he did a year ago. 他开车比一年以前快了.     She works harder than he does. 她工作比他努力.     `Who won?´ `I did.´ `谁赢了?'`我赢了.'; do v (3rd pers sing pres t does , pt did , pp done )     CARRYING OUT AN ACTIVITY 进行一项活动 1 [Tn] (used esp with what, anything, nothing and something, to refer to actions which are unspecified or not yet known about 尤与what、 anything、 nothing、 something连用, 指未指定的或未知的行为或动作)     `What are you doing this evening?´ `I´m going to the cinema.´ `今晚你打算做什麽?'`我打算去看电影.'     `Are you doing anything tomorrow evening?´ `明晚你有事吗?'     We will do what we can to help you. 我们愿意尽力帮助你.     The company ought to do something about the poor service. 公司应该对服务质量不佳一事采取些措施.     What does she want to do (ie What career does she want) when she leaves school? 她中学毕业以後想做什麽?     There´s nothing to do in this place, ie no means of passing one´s leisure time enjoyably. 这个地方没有好玩儿的(无法消磨空闲时间).     He does nothing but complain/All he does is complain. 他只会发牢骚.     `It´s so unfair that she´s lost her job. ´ `I know, but there´s nothing we can do about it (ie We can´t change the situation.)´ `她丢了工作, 真使人为她抱不平.'`我知道, 但我们又有什麽办法呢.'     `What can I do for you?´ `I´d like a pound of apples, please.´ `您想买些什麽呢?'`请给我来一磅苹果.' 2 [I] act; behave 做; 行动; 表现     Do as you wish/please. 你愿意怎麽干就怎麽干吧.     Do as I do. 照我做的去做吧.     Why can´t you do as you´re told (ie be obedient) ? 你怎麽不听话呀? 3 [Tn] work at, or carry out, (an activity or a task) 做; 进行(某项活动或工作)     do a university degree 攻读大学学位     do research into French history 研究法国历史     He still has to do his military service. 他仍须服兵役.     I have a number of important things to do today. 今天我有许多重要事情要做.     She does aerobics once a week. 她每周进行一次健美操. 4 [Tn] (used esp with the + n or my, his, etc + n to refer to everyday tasks such as cleaning, washing, arranging, mending, etc 尤与the+名词或my、 his等+名词连用, 指日常事务, 如打扫卫生、 洗洗刷刷、 整理家务、 修修补补等)     do (ie brush) one´s teeth 刷牙     do (ie wash up) the dishes 洗碗碟     do (ie polish) the silver 擦光银器     do the flowers, ie arrange them in vases 插花     I like the way you´ve done (ie styled) your hair. 我喜欢你梳的发式.     We´ll have to get someone to do (ie mend) the roof. 我们得找人来修理房顶. 5 [Tn] (used with the, my, some, much, etc + the -ing form of a v to refer to a wide range of actions 与the、 my、 some、 much等+动词的the -ing形式连用, 指各种各样的行为或动作)     do the ironing, cooking, washing, etc 熨烫衣服、 烹调食物、 洗洗刷刷     We usually do our shopping at the weekend. 我们通常利用周末采购物品.     You do the painting and I´ll do the papering. 你上油漆, 我贴壁纸.     She did a lot of acting (ie acted in a lot of plays) when she was at university. 她上大学时演过许多剧.     He does some writing (eg writes poems, novels, essays, etc) in his spare time. 他在业余时间写一些东西(如写诗、 小说、 散文等).     STUDYING OR SOLVING 学习或解决问题 6 [Tn] learn or study (sth) 学习或研究(某事物)     Do you do science at school? 你在学校里学自然科学吗?     do accountancy, engineering, law, etc, eg as a professional training 学会计、 工程、 法律等     She did economics at Sheffield University. 她曾在谢菲尔德大学攻读经济学.     Have you done any (ie studied any works by) Shakespeare? 你研究过莎士比亚的作品吗? 7 [Tn] find the answer to (sth); solve 解答(某事物); 解决     I can´t do this sum. 我不会做这道算术题.     I could never do simultaneous equations. 我从来不会算联立方程式.     Can you do crosswords? 你会填纵横字谜吗?     MAKING OR PRODUCING 做出或制作 8 [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (for sb) produce sth; make sth 做出某事物; 制作某事物     do a drawing, painting, sketch, etc 作图样、 绘画、 素描     She did five copies of the agenda. 她将议程表复制了五份.     Does this pub do (ie provide) lunches? 这家酒馆供应午餐吗?     Who´s doing (ie organizing and preparing) the food at the wedding reception? 谁包办婚宴的酒席?     I´ll do a translation for you/do you a translation. 我来为你翻译. 9 [Tn] deal with or attend to (sb/sth) 处理, 照料(某人的事[某事物])     The barber said he´d do me (ie cut my hair) next. 理发师说下一个给我理. 10 [Tn] put on or produce (a play, an opera, etc) 演出或编排(戏剧、 歌剧等)     The Dramatic Society are doing `Hamlet next year. 戏剧社准备明年演出《哈姆雷特》. 11 [Tn] play the part of (sb); imitate (sb) 扮演(某人)的角色; 模仿(某人)     I thought he did Hamlet superbly. 我觉得他扮演哈姆雷特一角很出色.     She does Mrs. Thatcher rather well. 她学撒切尔夫人的样子倒挺像哩. 12 [I, Tn, Tg] (used in the perfect tense or the passive 用於完成时态或被动语态) finish (sth); complete 结束(某事物); 完成     (infml 口) Have you done (ie finished what you were doing) ? 你做完了吗?     I´ve done talking it´s time to act. 我话已说完--该采取行动了.     The work won´t take too long to do. 这工作不需要很长时间就能完成.     Did you get your article done in time? 你的论文按时写完了吗?     COMPLETING AN ACTIVITY OR A JOURNEY 完成一项活动或走完一段路程 13 [Tn] (a) travel over (a distance) 走完(一段路程)     How many miles did you do during your tour? 你旅行了多少英里?     My car does 40 miles to the gallon, ie uses one gallon of petrol to travel 40 miles. 我的汽车每耗一加仑油可行驶40英里. (b) complete (a journey) 完成(旅行)     We did the journey (from London to Oxford) in an hour. 我们用一小时走完了(从伦敦到牛津的)旅程. (c) travel at or reach (a speed) 以(某一速度)行进; 达到(某一速度)     The car was doing 90 miles an hour. 汽车以每小时90英里的速度行驶. 14 [Tn] (infml 口) visit (a place) as a sightseer; see the sights of 游览(某地); 观光     We did Tokyo in three days. 我们在东京游览了三天. 15 [Tn] spend (a period of time) 度过(一段时间)     She did a year at university, but decided to give up the course. 她在大学里读过一年书, 但後来决定放弃学业.     (infml 口) He did six months (in prison) for burglary. 他因盗窃罪(在监狱)服刑六个月. * OTHER MEANINGS 其他意义 16 [I, Ipr, Tn] ~ (for sb/sth); ~ (as sth) be sufficient or satisfactory for (sb/sth) 足够或能满足(某人/某事物的需要)     `Can you lend me some money?´ `Certainly will 10 do?´ `你能借给我一点钱吗?'`当然可以--10英镑够了吗?'     Will next Friday do for our meeting? 我们的会议下星期五开行吗?     These shoes won´t do (ie are not strong enough) for climbing. 这些鞋不适合於登山(不够结实).     This log will do fine as a table for our picnic. 这块大圆木很可以用作我们野餐的餐桌.     This room will do (me) nicely, thank you, ie It has all the comforts I need. 这个房间很适合我的需要, 谢谢你. 17 [I] (used with advs, or in questions after how 与副词连用, 或在疑问句中用於how之後) progress; perform 进展; 表现     She´s doing very well at school, ie Her work is good. 她在学校里功课很好.     How is the business doing? 生意如何?     Both mother and baby are doing well, ie after the birth of the baby. 母子均平安.     Everything in the garden is doing (ie growing) splendidly. 花园里的一切植物都长得好极了.     She did well out of (ie profited from) the deal. 她在这笔交易中赚了许多钱. 18 [Tn] cook (sth) 烹制(某物)     Shall I do the casserole in the oven? 我用烤箱做焙盘炖菜好吗?     How would you like your steak done? 你要的牛排要几成熟? 19 (a) [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] (infml 口) cheat or swindle (sb) 欺骗或诈骗(某人)     This table isn´t a genuine antique; I´m afraid you´ve been done! ie you have paid a lot of money for an object of little value. 这张桌子并不是真正的古物, 看来你上当了. (b) [Tn] (sl 俚) rob or burgle (sth) 抢劫, 盗窃(某物)     The gang did a warehouse and a supermarket. 那帮匪徒抢劫了一个仓库和一家超级市场. 20 (sl 俚) (a) [Tn] hurt or hit (sb) 伤害, 打击(某人)     Say that again and I´ll do you! 你要再说一次我就揍你! (b) [esp passive 尤用於被动语态     Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (for sth) arrest or convict sb (for a crime) 逮捕某人; 宣判某人有罪     He got done for speeding. 他因超速行车而被抓住. 21 (idm 习语) ,do as you would be `done by (saying 谚) one should treat others as one would like to be treated 你希望别人怎样待你, 你就应该怎样待别人; 己所不欲, 勿施於人. be/have to do with sb/sth be connected with or related to sb/sth 与某人[某事物]有联系或有关系     `What do you want to see me about?´ `It´s to do with that letter you sent me.´ `你想见我有什麽事吗?'`这事跟你写给我的那封信有关.' have (got) something, nothing, a lot, etc to do with sb/sth be connected or concerned to a specified extent with sb/sth 与某人[某事物]在所述程度上有联系或有关系     Her job has something to do with computers. 她的工作与计算机有些关系.     Hard work has a lot to do with (ie has contributed greatly towards) her success. 她获得的成功是和她的努力分不开的.     `How much do you earn?´ `What´s it got to do with you?´ `你挣多少钱?'`这跟你有什麽关系?'     We don´t have very much to do with our neighbours, ie don´t meet them socially. 我们与邻居没什麽往来. ,how do you `do? (used as a formal greeting when one meets sb for the first time 用作初次见面时的正式问候语). it/that will never/won´t `do (used to indicate that a state of affairs is unsatisfactory and should be changed or improved 用以表示情况或事情不能令人满意应加以改变或改善)     This is the third time you´ve been late for work this week; it simply won´t do, I´m afraid. 这是你在本周里第三次上班迟到了, 这可不行啊. ,nothing `doing (sl 俚) (used to refuse a request 用以拒绝一项请求)     `Could you lend me 10?´ `Nothing doing!´ `你借给我10英镑行吗?'`不行!' that `does it (infml 口) (used to show that one will not tolerate sth any longer 用以表示不能再容忍某事物)     That does it! I´ve had enough of your sarcasm. I´m leaving. 够了! 你那些挖苦人的话我已经受不了啦. 我走! that´s `done it (infml 口) (used to express dismay, anger, etc that a misfortune, an accident or a mistake has spoiled or ruined sth 当某种灾祸、 事故或差错弄糟或毁坏某事物时, 用以表示惊慌、 气愤等)     That´s done it. We´ve run out of petrol. We´ll never be in time for the train now. 糟了. 我们的汽油用完了. 怎麽也赶不上火车了. that will `do (used esp to order sb to stop doing or saying sth 尤用以制止某人做或说某事物)     That´ll do, you two; you´re getting far too noisy. 行啦, 你们两个人简直吵死了. (For other idioms containing do, see entries for ns, adjs, etc 与do搭配的其他习语见有关名词、 形容词等的词条, 如 do a bunk => bunk2; easier said than done => easy. ) 22 (phr v) do away with sth (infml 口) get rid of sth; abolish sth 摆脱某事物; 废除某事物     She thinks it´s time we did away with the monarchy. 她认为该是废除君主制的时候了.     The death penalty has been done away with in many European countries. 许多欧洲国家已废除了死刑. do away with oneself/sb (infml 口) kill oneself/sb 自杀[杀死某人]     She tried to do away with herself. 她企图自杀. do n (pl dos or do´s ) 1 (Brit infml 口) party 聚会     I hear the Newtons are having a big do tonight. 听说牛顿家里今晚举行盛大的宴会. 2 (Brit sl 俚) dishonest trick; swindle 花招; 骗局     If you ask me, the whole thing´s a do. 依我说, 这事完全是个骗局. 3(idm 习语) do´s and don´ts rules 规则; 准则     If you want to lose weight, here are some do´s and don´ts. 想要减轻体重, 这是一些注意事项. fair do/dos/do´s => fair1.; do = doh.; do, abbr 缩写 = (also symb 符号为") ditto.




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