

单词 disentangle
释义 disentangle v 1 [Tn] make (rope, hair, etc) straight and free of knots 将(绳索、 毛发等)理直并解开其结子, 理顺. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth/sb (from sth) free sth/sb from sth that hooks into it/him 使某事物[某人]摆脱开钩绊之物     He tried to disentangle himself (from the bushes into which he had fallen). 他竭力(从他跌入的灌木丛中)挣脱出来.     (fig 比喻) I wish I could disentangle myself from Jill, ie from my relationship with her. 我希望能摆脱跟吉尔的关系.     disentangle the truth from a mass of lies 把真话和一大堆谎言区分开.




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