

单词 discourse
释义 discourse n 1 [C] (fml 文) lengthy and serious treatment of a subject in speech or writing 论文; 演讲. 2 [U] (linguistics 语言) continuous piece of spoken or written language (口头或书面的连贯的)语段, 话语     analyse the structure of discourse 分析语段结构     [attrib 作定语] discourse analysis 话语分析. discourse v [Ipr] ~ on/upon sth (fml 文) talk, preach or lecture about sth (usu at length) (通常长篇大论地)论说、 宣扬或讲授某事物     The speaker discoursed knowledgeably on a variety of subjects. 演讲者头头是道地论述了一系列问题.




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