

单词 devour
释义 devour v 1 [Tn] (a) eat (sth) hungrily or greedily 贪婪地吃(某物); 吞食(某物)     devour the food ravenously 狼吞虎咽地吃东西. (b) (fig 比喻) look at (sb/sth) avidly 贪婪地、 全神贯注地看(某人[某事物])     She devoured the new detective story. 她如饥似渴地读那本新侦探小说.     He devoured her with his eyes, ie looked at her lustfully. 他用色迷迷的目光盯著她. (c) (fig 比喻) destroy (sth) 毁灭, 吞噬(某事物)     Fire devoured a huge area of forest. 大火吞噬了大片森林. 2 (idm 习语) be devoured by sth be filled with (curiosity, anxiety, etc) 心中充满了(好奇、 忧虑等).




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