

单词 death
释义 death n 1 [C] dying or being killed 死; 死亡     Her death was a shock to him. 她的死对他是个打击.     There have been more deaths from drowning. 溺水死亡人数有所增加.     A bad driver was responsible for their deaths. 他们的死是个技术不佳的司机造成的. 2 [U] end of life; state of being dead 生命的终止; 死亡的状态     Food poisoning can cause death. 食物中毒可导致死亡.     burn, starve, stab, etc sb to death, ie until he is dead 把某人烧死、 饿死、 刺死等     You´re drinking yourself to death. 你这样喝酒, 非喝死不可.     (usu joc 通常作戏谑语) Don´t work yourself to death, ie Don´t work too hard. 别把自己累死.     One mistake could mean death for him, ie could result in his being killed. 一个错误足可置他於死地.     sentenced to death, ie to be executed 被判死刑     eyes closed in death 死後闭合的双眼     united in death, eg of a husband and a wife in the same grave 死後合葬(如夫妇同葬一墓). 3 (also Death) [U] power that destroys life, pictured as a person 死神     Death is often shown in pictures as a human skeleton. 死神常被画成骷髅. 4 [U] ~ of sth ending or destruction of sth 终止; 毁灭     the death of one´s plans, hopes, etc 计划的破产、 希望的破灭     the death of capitalism 资本主义的灭亡. 5 (idm 习语) (be) at death´s `door (often ironic 常作反语) so ill that one may die 病得要死     Stop groaning! You´re not at death´s door! 别哼哼了! 你还不至於死呢! (be) at the point of death => point1. be the death of sb (a) be the cause of sb´s death 成为某人致死的原因     That motorbike will be the death of you. 那辆摩托车就会要了你的命. (b) (often joc 常作戏谑语) cause sb great worry 引起某人极大忧虑     Those kids will be the death of me, coming home so late every night. 那些孩子真把我气死了, 每天这麽晚才回家. be ,in at the `death be present when sth fails, comes to an end, etc 目睹某事物失败、 终结等     The TV cameras were in at the death and filmed the arrest. 进行逮捕时正好有电视摄像机录下了这场面. bore sb to death/tears => bore2. catch one´s death => catch1. dice with death => dice. die the death => die2. ,do sth to `death perform (a play, a piece of music, etc) so often that people become tired of seeing or hearing it (剧本、 乐曲等)频频演出而令人感到厌倦不愿再看或再听     That idea´s been done to death. 那主意听得腻死人了. a fate worse than death => fate. flog sth to death => flog. frighten/scare sb to death/out of his wits => frighten. the kiss of death => kiss. like grim death => grim. a matter of life and death => matter1. put sb to death execute sb; kill sb 处死某人; 杀死某人     The prisoner was put to death (by firing squad) at dawn.那囚犯在黎明时被(行刑队)处决. sick to death of sb/sth => sick. sudden death => sudden. tickled pink/to death => tickle. to the death until sb is dead 直至某人死亡     a fight to the death 拼到死的搏斗.




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