

单词 deal
释义 deal n [U] (esp Brit) (planks of) fir or pine wood 冷杉木或松木(的板)     made of white deal 白松木制的     [attrib 作定语] a deal table, floor, etc 杉木桌、 地板等. deal n (idm 习语) a good/great deal (of sth) much; a lot 很多; 大量     spend a good deal of money 花很多的钱     take a great deal of trouble 费很大的事     be a great deal better 好多了     see sb a great deal, ie often 常见某人. deal v (pt, pp dealt) 1 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.p, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (out); ~ sth (to sb) distribute (cards) in a game (纸牌戏中)发(牌)     Whose turn is it to deal (the cards)? 该谁发(牌)了?     She dealt me four cards. 她发给我四张牌. 2 (idm 习语) deal sb/sth a `blow; deal a blow to sb/sth (fml 文) (a) hit sb/sth 打击某人[某事物]     She dealt him a tremendous blow with the poker. 她用拨火棒重重地打了他一下. (b) cause sb a setback, shock, etc 使某人受到挫折、 震惊等     Her death dealt us a terrible blow. 她一死对我们打击很大. deal well, badly, etc by/with sb (dated or fml 旧或文) treat sb well, etc 对某人好、 坏等     He has always dealt well by me. 他一贯对我很好.     You´ve been badly dealt with. 你一直受到虐待. wheel and deal => wheel. 3 (phr v) deal in sth (a) sell sth; trade in sth 卖某物; 经营某物     My bank deals in stocks and shares now. 我们银行现在经营债券与股票.     We deal in hardware but not software. 我们只经营硬件而不经营软件. (b) (derog 贬) concern oneself with sth; indulge in sth 忙於某事物; 沉溺於某事物     deal in gossip and slander, ie make a habit of gossiping about and slandering people 惯於搬弄是非和诽谤别人. deal sb in give cards to (a new player in a game) (纸牌戏中)发牌(给新参加者). deal sth out give sth out to a number of people; distribute sth 将某物分发给一些人; 分发某物     The profits will be dealt out among the investors. 红利将分发给投资者.     The judge dealt out harsh sentences to the rioters. 法官对暴乱者处以严刑. deal with sb tackle the problem or task set by sb; behave towards sb 处理某人所提出的问题或任务; 对待、 对付某人     How would you deal with an armed burglar? 你怎样对付闯进来的持有武器的强盗?     They try to deal politely with angry customers. 他们尽量对发怒的顾客彬彬有礼. deal with sb/sth have social, business, etc relations with sb 与某人有社交、 商业等关系     I hate dealing with large impersonal companies. 我讨厌与那些没有人情味的大公司打交道.     We don´t deal with (ie negotiate with) terrorists. 我们不与恐怖分子打交道. deal with sth (a) attend to (a problem, task, etc); manage sth 处理(问题、 任务等); 料理某事     You dealt with an awkward situation very tactfully. 你很巧妙地处理了一个困难的局面.     Haven´t you dealt with (ie replied to) that letter yet? 那封信你答覆了吗? (b) take or have sth as a subject; discuss sth 以某事物作为内容; 讨论某事物     The next chapter deals with verbs. 下一章讨论动词.     I´ll deal with decimals in the next lesson. 下一堂课我要讲小数. deal n 1 agreement, esp in business, on certain terms for buying or doing sth 协议; (尤指)交易     to make/conclude/close/finalize a deal (with sb) (与某人)达成一笔交易     We did a deal with the management on overtime. 在加班问题上我们与管理部门达成一项协议.     They both wanted to use the car, so they did a deal, ie reached a compromise. 他们双方都想用这辆汽车, 因而达成了折衷的协议.     It´s a deal! ie I agree to your terms. 我同意你的条件.     The deal fell through, ie No agreement was reached. 交易告吹. 2 (in games) distribution of playing-cards (纸牌戏中)发牌     After the deal, play begins. 发完牌之後, 纸牌游戏即开始.     It´s your deal, ie your turn to deal the cards. 该你发牌了. 3 (idm 习语) big deal! => big. a fair/square `deal fair treatment in a bargain 公平交易     We offer you a fair deal on furniture, ie We sell it at fair prices. 我们卖家具价钱公道. make the best of a bad deal => best3. a new deal => new. a raw/rough `deal (infml 口) unfair treatment 不公平的待遇     If she lost her job for being late once, she got a pretty raw deal. 她若只因迟到一次就失去了工作, 这样对她未免太不公平了.




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