

单词 cross
释义 cross n 1 [C] (a) mark made by drawing one line across another, eg x or + 十字形或叉形记号(如或+)     The place is marked on the map with a cross. 那个地方在地图上以十字形记号标出.     make one´s cross, ie put a cross on a document instead of one´s signature, eg if one cannot write 画十字, 画押(在文件上画个十字代替签名, 如文盲之所为). (b) line or stroke forming part of a letter, eg the horizontal stroke on a `t´ (字母中的)一横(如t中的横线). 2 (a) the Cross [sing] the frame made of a long vertical piece of wood with a shorter horizontal piece joined to it near the top, on which Christ was crucified (基督被钉死在上面的)十字架. (b) [C] thing representing this, as a Christian emblem (作为基督徒标记的)十字架模型     She wore a small silver cross on a chain round her neck. 她脖子上戴著项链, 上面挂著个银的小十字架. =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page viii. (c) [C] thing, esp a monument, in the form of a cross, eg a stone one in a village market-place 十字形物品(尤指纪念物, 如乡村市集上的十字形纪念石碑). (d) [C usu sing 通常作单数] cross-shaped sign made with the right hand as a Christian religious act 画十字的动作(用右手比划, 为基督徒的宗教行为)     The priest made a cross over her head. 牧师在她头上画了一个十字. (e) the Cross [sing] (fig 比喻) the Christian religion 基督教     the Cross and the Crescent, ie Christianity and Islam 基督教与伊斯兰教. 3 (usu 通常作 Cross) [C] small cross-shaped piece of metal awarded as a medal for courage, etc (为表彰英勇行为等而授予的)十字勋章     the Victoria Cross 维多利亚十字勋章     the Distinguished Service Cross 优异服务十字勋章. 4 [C usu sing 通常作单数] ~ (between A and B) (a) animal or plant that is the offspring of different breeds or varieties (动物或植物的)杂交品种, 混合种     A mule is a cross between a horse and an ass. 骡是马和驴交配而生的杂种. (b) (fig 比喻) mixture of two different things (两种不同物的)混合物     a play that is a cross between farce and tragedy 把闹剧和悲剧结合成 一体的戏. 5 [C] source of sorrow, worry, etc; problem 悲哀、 苦恼等的根源; 问题     We all have our crosses to bear. 每个人都有苦难需要承受. 6 (idm 习语) cut sth on the `cross cut cloth, etc diagonally 把布等对角剪开. cross v 1 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn] ~ (over) (from sth/to sth) go across; pass or extend from one side to the other side of (sth) 横穿     The river is too deep; we can´t cross (over). 河太深, 我们过不去.     cross from Dover to Calais 从多佛横渡到加来     cross a road, a river, a bridge, a desert, the sea, the mountains 过马路、 过河、 过桥、 穿过沙漠、 越过大海、 翻过高山     Electricity cables cross the valley. 电缆跨过山谷. 2 (a) [I] pass across each other 交叉     The roads cross just outside the village. T.     (fig 比喻) Our paths crossed (ie We met by chance) several times. 我们碰上好几次了. (b) [I, Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] (of people travelling, letters in the post) meet and pass (each other) (指行人)对面而过; (指邮寄中的信件)互相错过     We crossed each other on the way. 我们在途中对脸而过.     Our letters crossed in the post. 我们的信在邮寄途中错过去了. 3 [Tn] put or place (sth) across or over sth else of the same type 使(某物)交叉     cross one´s legs, ie place one leg over the other, esp at the thighs 盘腿     cross one´s arms on one´s chest 交叉两臂於胸前     a flag with a design of two crossed keys 有两把钥匙相交叉图案的旗帜     a crossed line, ie interruption of a telephone call because of a wrong connection 交扰线路(电话因岔线而产生的干扰). 4 [Tn] draw a line across (sth) 画横线於(某物)     cross the t´s 写t上的一横     cross a cheque, ie draw two lines across it so that it can only be paid through a bank 在支票上画两条平行线(则该支票只能经由银行兑现)     a crossed cheque, ie a cheque marked in this way 画线支票. 5 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] ~ oneself make the sign of the cross1(2a) on one´s chest 用手在胸前画十字     He `crossed himself as he passed the church. 他经过教堂时用手在胸前画十字. 6 [Tn] obstruct, oppose or contradict (sb, his plans or wishes); thwart 阻挠, 反对, 违背(某人、 其计划或意愿); 使受挫     She doesn´t like to be crossed. 她不喜欢有人跟她作对.     He crosses me in everything. 他处处与我作对.     to be crossed in love, ie fail to win the love of sb one loves 在恋爱上受到挫折. 7 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (with sth) cause (two different types of animal or plant) to produce offspring 使(不同种的动物或植物)杂交     to cross a horse with an ass 使马与驴杂交     Varieties of roses can be crossed to vary their colour. 不同品种的玫瑰可以杂交以改变其颜色. 8 (idm 习语) ,cross one´s ,bridges when one `comes to them not worry about a problem before it actually arrives 问题来了再解决不迟(勿为尚未发生的事情烦恼)     We´ll cross that bridge when we come to it. 船到桥头自然直, 等出了问题我们再解决不迟. cross my `heart (and hope to die) (infml saying 口, 谚) (used to emphasize the honesty or sincerity of what one says or promises 用以强调所说属实)     I saw him do it: cross my heart. 我看见他干的, 我可以发誓. cross one´s `fingers hope that one´s plans will be successful 祈求成功     I´m crossing my fingers that my proposal will be accepted. 但愿我的建议能被采纳.     Keep your fingers crossed! 祈求好运吧! cross one´s `mind (of thoughts, etc) come into one´s mind (指想法等)出现, 掠过     It never crossed my mind that she might lose, ie I confidently expected her to win. 我从未想到她会失败. ,cross sb´s ,palm with `silver give sb (esp a fortune-teller) a coin 给某人(尤指算命者)钱. ,cross sb´s `path meet sb, usu by chance 与某人相遇(通常指不期而遇)     I hope I never cross her path again. 但愿我永远不再遇见她. ,cross the `Rubicon take an action or start a process which is important and which cannot be reversed 断然采取有进无退的重大行动; 破釜沉舟. cross `swords (with sb) fight or argue (with sb) (与某人)交锋, 争论     The chairman and I have crossed swords before over this issue. 我和主席以前曾经对这问题进行过辩论. dot one´s i´s and cross one´s t´s => dot. get, have, etc one´s lines crossed => line1. get one´s wires crossed => wire. 9 (phr v) cross sth off (sth); cross sth out/through remove sth by drawing a line through it 画掉某物     We can cross his name off (the list), as he´s not coming. 他既然不来了, 我们可以把他的名字(从名单中)划掉.     Two words have been crossed out. 有两个词删掉了. cross adj (-er, -est) 1 ~ (with sb) (about sth) (infml 口) rather angry 生气的; 恼怒的     I was cross with him for being late. 他迟到了, 我很生气.     What are you so cross about? 你为什麽发那麽大的火啊?     She gave me a cross look. 她瞪了我一眼. 2 [attrib 作定语] (of winds) contrary; opposed (指风)逆的, 反向的     Strong cross breezes make it difficult for boats to leave harbour. 逆风很强刮得船难以离港. Cf 参看 cross-wind. > crossly adv. crossness n [U].




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