

单词 crop
释义 rop n 1 (a) [C] amount of grain, hay, fruit, etc grown in one year or season (谷物、 乾草、 水果等一年或一季的)收成, 产量     the potato crop 马铃薯的产量     a good crop of rice 稻谷的丰收     a bumper (ie very large) crop 特大的丰收     [attrib 作表语] a crop failure 歉收. (b) crops [pl] agricultural plants in the fields 农作物; 庄稼     treat the crops with fertilizer 给农作物施肥. 2 [sing] ~ of sth group of people or quantity of things appearing or produced at the same time (同时出现或产生的)一群(人), 一批(事物)     this year´s crop of students 本届大学生     The programme brought quite a crop of complaints from viewers. 该节目招致观众诸多不满. 3 [C] very short hair-cut 极短的发式; 平头. 4 [C] bag-like part of a bird´s throat where food is prepared for digestion before passing into the stomach 嗉子; 嗉囊. 5 [C] (also `hunting-crop) whip with a short loop instead of a lash, used by riders 猎鞭(骑手用的, 端部有小圈). 6 (idm 习语) neck and crop => neck. crop, v (-pp-) 1 [Tn, Cn.a] (a) cut short (sb´s hair or an animal´s ears, tail, etc) 剪短(某人的头发、 动物的耳朵或尾巴等)     with hair cropped (short) 头发剪得很短. (b) (of animals) bite the tops off and eat (grass, plants, etc) (指动物)啃吃(青草、 其他植物等)     Sheep had cropped the grass (short). 羊把草啃(短)了. 2 [I] (of plants, fields, etc) bear a crop (指植物、 田地等)收获     The beans cropped well this year. 今年豆子丰收. 3 (phr v) crop up appear or happen, esp unexpectedly 出现或发生(尤指意外地)     All sorts of difficulties cropped up. 各种各样的困难意想不到地出现了.     The subject cropped up as we talked. 我们交谈时无意中涉及到了这个问题.




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