

单词 compass
释义 compass n 1 [C] (a) (also magnetic compass) device for finding direction, with a needle that points to magnetic north 指南针; 罗盘; 罗经     the points of the compass, ie N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, etc 罗经上的方位(北、 东北、 东、 东南、 南、 西南、 西、 西北等). (b) similar device for determining direction (指示方向的)类似装置     a radio compass 无线电罗经. 2 [C] (also compasses [pl]) V-shaped instrument with two legs joined by a hinge, used for drawing circles, measuring distances on a map or chart, etc 圆规; 两脚规     a pair of compasses 一只圆规. =>illus 见插图. 3 [U] scope; range 界线; 范围     beyond the compass of the human mind 超出人类智力范围     the compass of a singer´s voice, ie the range from the lowest to the highest note that he or she can reach 歌手的音域. compass v [Tn] (arch 古) = encompass 2.




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