

单词 commonplace
释义 commonplace adj (often derog 常作贬义) ordinary; not interesting 平常的; 平凡的; 寻常的; 不引起兴趣的     He´s not at all exciting, in fact he´s really rather commonplace. 他毫不出奇, 实际上平庸得很. commonplace, n 1 remark, etc that is ordinary or unoriginal; truism (平淡的或无见地的)言语; 陈词滥调; 老生常谈     a conversation full of mere commonplaces     He uttered a few commonplaces about peace and democracy. 他泛泛地谈了几句关於和平与民主的话. 2 event, topic, etc that is ordinary or usual (普通的或寻常的)事情、 主题等     Air travel is a commonplace nowadays. 现在坐飞机是平常事.




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