

单词 cocktail
释义 cocktail n 1 [C] alcoholic drink consisting of a spirit or spirits mixed with fruit juice, etc 鸡尾酒     [attrib 作定语] a cocktail party 鸡尾酒会. 2 [C, U] dish of seafood or fruit (used esp in the expressions shown) 用海鲜或水果做的菜(尤用於下列示例)      (a) prawn cocktail, ie a mixture of prawns and mayonnaise eaten as a first course 大虾冷盘(用作西餐第一道菜)      (a) fruit cocktail, ie a mixture of small pieces of fruit, usu eaten as a dessert 什锦水果丁(通常作西餐最後的甜食). 3 [C] (infml 口) any mixture of substances 任何混合物     a lethal cocktail of drugs 致命的混合药物.




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